Karen shares one of the best parenting decisions she and her husband ever made and why they developed a consistent plan for disciplining their children.
Browsing: Editor’s Voice
Karen reminisces about toilet training her kids and speculates about why some younger toddlers might be more excited about potty training than others.
Sometimes, looking in a closet can change your life! When materialism hits you over the head so hard that you create a hashtag: #nonewclothesforkaren
The power and responsibility parents have to influence their children are immense. Kids are always watching everything we say and do. Be an influencer for good!
It does a heart good to take stock, no matter how you do it. This holiday season, start your list of things you’re grateful for – the serious and the silly!
Parents have been trying to raise readers and connect their kids with books for years. Karen shares a strategy from her mom’s playbook and tips that work today.
My tiny kids were two-wheelers before their fifth birthdays because that confidence is a game changer! Teach your kids to ride a bike with these eight steps…
Are you one of those parents whose kids do regular chores? Or are you holding out until help around the house comes without having to ask for it?
What’s a mom to do when her kids aren’t keeping her moving anymore? Running the Sports Backers Monument Avenue 10K is one way to exercise.
How much of the parenting – that may or may not have resulted in great kids – did you really do on purpose? Hmm…
When you want your kids’ holiday season to be about more than making long gift lists, sometime they’ll surprise you!
Bullying is horrible and one way to prevent your kid(s) from doing it is to never let them hear you talking about other people. That’s it – that’s the tip…