With schools spending billions on technology while simultaneously cutting funding for the arts and physical education, Jane M. Healy, author of Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect Our Children’s Minds…
Browsing: Parenting
I had many laugh out loud moments while reading Robin O’Bryant’s book, Ketchup is a Vegetable and Other Lies Mothers Tell Themselves. My favorite chapter, by far, was “Eff the…
Bullying is all about perceived power. What messages are you sending to your kids about kindness, empathy, tolerance, and accepting differences?
Some of the best parenting advice I’ve gotten over the years has come from what Richmond Family Magazine refers to as “real moms” during playgroups, grocery stops, and happy hours. …
“Life today for most families is characterized more by randomness and improvisation than rhythm. Tuesday wash day? Cookies and milk after school? Sunday roast beef dinner? With both parents usually…
What parent doesn’t want calmer, happier, more secure kids? Internationally renowned family consultant Kim John Payne believes parents can use the extraordinary power of less to achieve just such a…
“About 40 percent of students identified getting into a ‘good college’ as more important than being a ‘good person,’” writes Richard Weissbourd, author of The Parents We Mean to Be. …
Volunteerism has become an accepted ideal in America, a leader in both excess and openhandedness. How do we instill the desire to help others into our children?
Maybe, I love Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman because my first experience abroad was as an exchange student in Paris my sixteenth summer. Maybe, I love how this American…
My mom let me try all the things all the time – novel for her day – and has helped me grow into the kind of parent who does the same thing.
My mother tried desperately – for my own good – to force me into a teaching career that the very thought of gave me migraines. That experience compelled me to…