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Sound of Music “…An Amazing Production!”

Reviewed by Karen Schwartzkopf


It’s difficult to write that CYT’s current production of Sound of Music, playing at Steward’s Lora M. Robins Theatre, is “amazing and not-to-be-missed!” without feeling a bit guilty. Why’s that? you ask. I’m sad to say, you can’t go! Unless you happen to know someone who already has a ticket or two to spare. As with many CYT Richmond’s shows, the production is sold out for its remaining performances. But I’m not going to let that stop me from offering this review: CYT’s Sound of Music is an amazing production from top to bottom!

Sound of Music - CYTOur family was part of a packed house last weekend. We have been to many CYT shows over the years and as a huge proponent of live theater for kids, I have to say this was one of CYT’s best. The typical CYT production includes a lot of kids – sometimes as many as a hundred! Frankly, going in, I wondered how Sound of Music would do that effectively. I discovered quickly that the answer was “gracefully and with aplomb” as costumed characters (not sure how many, but not a hundred!) of all ages were incorporated into ensemble party scenes at the elegant von Trapp estate. As one of the larger production numbers, the marriage of Maria and Georg in particular was so realistically executed that we felt under-dressed as the wedding party processed down the aisles.

The tremendous accompaniment provided by the twenty-piece orchestra made scene changes, which were already quick and efficient, move even faster. What’s more, the performers’ voices blended seamlessly with the artists in the pit – and the live entertainment made intermission more enjoyable too.

Although this wasn’t our first CYT show, we did bring a friend along who had never been to one. “How do you get to the ageSound of Music -Rolf of sixteen without having seen a CYT show in Richmond?” I asked one of my daughter’s dearest friends. Her response to that one didn’t matter as much as her spot-on review: “Intense, professional…” And this statement regarding the talent onstage summed up the evening perfectly: “I had to keep reminding myself that they were kids up there – a lot of them not even my age!”

All this to say, the talent is what is truly amazing about Sound of Music (and any CYT show). This review would not be complete without offering a note of special commendation to Charlotte Gulasky as Maria (Wow!), Alexis Cox as the Mother Abess (What a voice!), and Carson Eubanks as Max Detweiler – Georg’s conniving but lovable friend (What an actor!).

Like I said, unless you already have your tickets, you won’t have a chance to see CYT’s Sound of Music. However, with two more shows this season, Honk in May, and Les Misérables (school edition with kids, age 14 to 18) slated for a June run at Collegiate, you will get another opportunity at taking in a CYT show. As a parent and an arts lover, I whole-heartedly recommend foregoing the next movie ticket and reserving some of the family’s entertainment budget for a live performance – your kids will fall hard and fast for CYT, and you will too.

Karen Schwartzkopf has her dream job as managing editor of RFM. Wife, mother, arts and sports lover, she lives and works in the West End with her family, including husband Scott, who not coincidentally is RFM’s creative director. You can read Karen’s take on parenting her three daughters – Sam, Robin, and Lindsey, also known as the women-children – in the Editor’s Voice.

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