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Heading Your Way This Summer: Lice

Local LiceDoctors Lice Removal Service Offers Parents Tips for Kids Going to Camps

While there are lots of articles that cover how to treat head lice, there just aren’t enough about how to prevent it. Parents spend a lot of money for summer programs and camps for their children. No one wants to learn that their child has gotten head lice, but it happens all too often. This is especially so in the upcoming summer months and at the start of school. The bad news is that chemical treatments are ineffective. The good news is there are all natural methods which are 100% effective in treating the lice infestation, and your local LiceDoctors, with trained technicians on call, can help you in the privacy of your home or camp. Facing the summer season, it’s important to be armed with knowledge about head lice:

• Heads are infested, on average, two weeks before they discover they have lice. That means it can be essentially impossible to know who got what, when, from whom.
• A lice infestation is harder to diagnose than you think. All you need for a self-sustaining infestation is one fertilized female louse. They’re tiny, speedy, and scoot from light when you try to find them.
• It is important to know that not everyone itches from head lice, therefore it is important to check your child regularly to see if you see any nits in the hair.
• Keep in mind, getting head lice has nothing to do with hygiene. Head lice don’t care how often you wash your hair. You get lice when lice move from one head to another head. And lice have nothing to do with poverty either – they don’t know how much is in your bank account!
• To prevent getting lice, girls should wear their hair up in a braid or bun. The less accessible that the hair is, the more difficult it is for the bugs to get into it.
• Put gel, mousse or spray in your child’s hair. These products put a protective layer on the hair, which makes it harder for the bug to attach to the hair.
• Bring your own pillows if you are spending the night with friends or going to camp.
• Encourage your kids to avoid sharing items including hairbrushes, combs, hats, scarves, towels, helmets, sleeping bags, etc.
• Take deep breaths and keep calm if you find out that your child has lice. .Having lice isn’t life-threatening, it just wreaks psychological chaos on the family or those infected.
• If you find your child has head lice and want the treatment to be done successfully, you may want to call in a head lice treatment service such as your local LiceDoctors. Make sure whichever company you call gives you a 100% guarantee on their head lice removal service.

LiceDoctors, one of the nation’s largest companies specializing in treatment for head lice, now treats families in Richmond. Their lice treatment protocol was developed over 15 years ago by a medical director and has a 99.9% track record. No other treatment option can boast that kind of history and success rate. Each of their lice operators undergoes an intensive training and is dispatched directly to the privacy of the clients’ homes. (804) 396-2193

Tracy Scott is a self-professed baking addict and foodie who lives in Chesterfield County with her husband and two kids. She managed the calendar and handled social media for RFM before moving on to the corporate world.

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