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Protect Your Family and Property Now

What should property owners, business owners and renters be doing now at the start of hurricane season?  Tropical Storm Andrea’s affects on Virginia are a great reminder to:

  • Consider getting flood insurance.  Most homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage.  Inland flooding is often a problem in Virginia, so a direct hit from a hurricane isn’t necessary for there to be extensive damage.  Get free info at or call 1-888-379-9531.  Talk to your insurance agent now.  Coverage usually takes 30 days before it goes into effect.
  • Install permanent storm shutters.  These are the best protection for windows; tape doesn’t prevent windows from breaking.  Another option is to cover windows with 5/8” plywood.
  • Be sure trees and shrubs around your property are well trimmed.
  • Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts.
  • Get a portable battery-powered/hand crank radio with NOAA weather band so you can hear information even when the power is out.  Have plenty of batteries on hand.
  • Store drinking water.  Have at least a three-day supply: one gallon per person per day.
  • Families should have an emergency plan. Print out a plan or fill in your plan at
  • Download the new Ready Virginia app.  The free app for iPhone® and Android™ devices provides emergency planning and guidance.
  • Businesses should take steps to prepare for hurricane season.  Visit for planning resources.


What should residents do if a tropical storm warning is issued?

  • If power is out, listen to a battery-powered/hand-crank radio for instructions from local officials. 
  • Those in mobile homes should check tie downs and go to a sturdier building for shelter.
  • Keep a supply of flashlights and extra batteries. Don’t use open flames such as kerosene lamps and candles for light.
  • Be sure you have at least a three-day supply of food that doesn’t need refrigeration or electricity for preparation.
  • Store personal papers in a waterproof container on the highest level of your home.
  • Stay inside, away from windows, skylights and glass doors.
  • If power goes off, turn off major appliances to reduce power “surge” when electricity is back on.




Prepared by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, June 2013

(804) 897-6510                                                   

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