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July 2013


Mentors Wanted!

Nicholas Hogan of Richmond never realized how much volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Richmond & Tri Cities could impact his life until he met 11-year-old Gabriel. "He is one of the smartest and most talented kids I have ever known," Hogan says of his little, or mentee.…

Look Out For Cash Mob!

Everyone has a favorite local business. The book store where they know your favorite genre. The cafe where the muffins are always perfect. The garden shop where hard-earned advice is given for free. Throughout the onset of strip malls and Internet browsing, these are the places that have struggled to…

Into Africa!

“I had a farm in Africa..." These familiar words begin Baroness Karen Von Blixen's story of her life on a coffee plantation in British East Africa, first in a novel published in 1937, then in the film starring Meryl Streep released in 1985. It was this film, Out of Africa,…


There’s Music in the Air!

Okay, maybe it's just in my head. I love music, and my kids say I have a song for everything. Some of my fondest and most vivid memories are centered around music. To this day Country Roads makes me cry (happy tears) because it reminds me of being surrounded by…

All Together Now

When my dad turned seventy-five, there was quite a party. We were all together: my four older sisters, my brother, and me, various and sundry spouses, the majority of his seventeen grandkids and four great grandchildren, family friends and neighbors, and my mother, of course. There was a band, too…

Sale-ing Lessons

Garage sales, rummage sales, tag sales.The sale ing season is upon us. Until I had children, two daughters, I was never the garage sale type. Now you can't keep me away. It's more that just saving a buck, although we still joke about the complete set of Royal Doulton china…

The Show Never Ends

He’s downstairs on the computer. She’s up in her room checking Instagram. Mom is deep into another book on her iPad. And me? I’m glued to a tiny smartphone, checking my email for the umpteenth time today. Good gracious, what’s become of us all? Here we are, one family, under…

Pop Art and Pointillism

  Artists Roy Lichtenstein and Tom Wesselmann used images from popular culture to create some of the most renowned pop art of the twentieth century. Visit VMFA to view their fabulous works of inspiration and get ideas for your own pop art creation.     What you need: • Magazine…

Is Refinancing Right?

Home refinancing should not be based solely on an interest rate, nor driven by the prospect of an early pay-off alone. For many homeowners, not a week passes without this question: Should I refinance? Today's lower interest rates make mortgage refinancing attractive, but is it best for you and your…

Starlight Children

Last Election Day, a staffer at Starlight Children's Foundation MidAtlantic visited a local children's hospital and met Mason. A frequent flier, Mason had just celebrated his ninth birthday and was fighting his forty-fourth case of pneumonia. Spying the staffer's I Voted! Sticker, Mason exclaimed, "It's Election Day!" That's when she…

That Stings!

During spring and summer, bees and other flying insects are busy collecting food. Unfortunately, sometimes we humans get in their way. In order to protect themselves, they end up attacking and stinging us. Most insect stings produce only local discomfort. Occasionally it can lead to more severe reactions called anaphylaxis.…

Making it Work in the Sandwich Generation

Q: My mother is moving in with our family and there are going to be a lot of changes, starting with two of our four kids sharing a bedroom. I can feel the resentment building up already. Any suggestions for making the best of this situation? A: This is an…

Walk the Walk

A friend of mine is afraid of dogs and always imagines scenarios that might unfold when someone approaches with a dog that does not appear to be under control. In Richmond and the surrounding counties, there are leash laws that require dogs to be on leash, although each municipality can…

Feeling Saucy?

Plum Chutney Peel 4 plums, and halve, pit, and cut into 1/2-inch wedges. Heat 1 Tbsp olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add 1 large, sliced shallot and cook, stirring occasionally, until shallot begins to soften, about 2 minutes. Add 1/2 cup packed brown sugar, 1/4 cup…

RVA Health Focus

When Medical Care is Truly Priceless

When Victoria Ravello-Arias moved to the United States from Peru in 2001, it wasn't for medical care. She was looking for a new start and opportunities for her family. Ultimately, the move did more than set her on a new path. It ended up saving her life. Shortly after Victoria…

Vision and Outside Play

These days, there's nothing most kids like better than hanging out in the family room playing video games, sitting in front of the computer, texting with friends, or playing with their iPods. Over the last several decades, myopia (or nearsightedness) has become an international problem. Could there be a link…

Sensesational Science

The ear guy and the nose guy joined forces at a world-class institution and great things are happening. "With a $500,000 grant from MEDARVA, we have an exciting opportunity to improve lives through groundbreaking, translational research." At least that's how Richard Costanzo, Ph.D., professor of physiology and biophysics at Virginia…

Not Your Grandma’s Tonsillectomy

Remember when it seemed like every other kid on the block was having his tonsils removed? Lots of adults recall being promised ice cream after the procedure and then, sadly, being too sore to eat it. Today, however, tonsil removal is far less common - at least for the reasons…

Summer Eye Hazards

Did you know that more than half a million people each year suffer from home or yard work-related eye injuries? To some people, gardening is fun and to others just a necessary chore. But either way, it's important to remember that some of the most common lawn and garden care…

Are You a Sinus Sufferer?

Millions of people suffer from constant or repeated headaches, facial pain, fatigue, or stuffy noses. The warm, humid climate here in Richmond means that sinusitis, allergies, and other nasal disorders are very common. The result? Thousands of workdays missed each year, while sufferers attempt to manage their misery. And the…

Safe at Home!

Injuries in children are greatly influenced by weather and season.Most of us in the medical field know that pediatric urgent care and emergency room visits for injuries peak in the active summer months. At some point, many pediatricians and emergency doctors have considered trying to influence legislators to get rid…

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