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Last Day to Vote Early and In-Person in Virginia is Saturday, November 5

In-person voting for the November 8, 2022 general election began September 23 and will continue through November 5. Tuesday, November 8, is Election Day, a state holiday in Virginia.

To vote early and in person, registered voters should go to the general registrar’s office for the jurisdiction in which they are registered, present their ID, and cast a ballot. The location of the general registrar’s office for all jurisdictions can be found on the Virginia Department of Elections’ website (go here), as well as a list of acceptable forms of identification (linked here).

Some jurisdictions may offer early in-person voting at satellite locations in addition to the general registrar’s office. Early in-person voting will also be held each of the two Saturdays preceding Election Day. 

Election officials say computer coding issues blocked some records from transfer to local election offices, which process online voter registration data. The state is offering additional staff to local election officials to clear the last-minute backlog in advance of November 8.

Voters who are unclear of their status and voters who have registered to vote in the past six to eight months are urged to check their registration status here:

Additionally, absentee ballots were mailed beginning September 23 to military and overseas voters as well as anyone who has applied to receive one. Any registered voter can request an absentee ballot either in-person, by mail, online ( or by contacting your general registrar’s office.

Registered voters do not need a reason to request an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots can be dropped off at the general registrar’s office or other designated drop locations before November 8 or at polling locations on Election Day. Any voter mailing an absentee ballot must have it postmarked no later than November 8.

Anyone with visual or manual dexterity impairment has the option to vote an absentee ballot using an electronic marking tool.

Voters with questions about registration, absentee, and early in-person voting can call their general registrar’s office or the Department of Elections at 1-800-552-9745 or email

The Department of Elections urges Virginia voters to rely on local election offices for accurate election information. To learn more, go HERE.

New this year, voters may register through Election Day (when the polls close) and vote using a provisional ballot. For details, go here.

Early voting at Western Henrico Government Center, 4301 E Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23228.

You may be in a new congressional district. Virginia went through a redistricting process using new census data. To check your district, to see who will be on your ballot, and where you are voting in person on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, visit Virginia Public Access Project.

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