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Register Now for Statewide Tornado Drill

readyvirginiaAnnual drill set for March 11 at 9:45 a.m.

Since 2011, 67 tornadoes have struck Virginia, affecting nearly every part of the state. April 2011 was particularly dangerous, when 10 people died and more than 200 were injured as a result of tornadoes that destroyed at least 210 homes and damaged 1,050 more.

Tornadoes are common in Virginia, so it is critical that everyone knows what to do when a tornado warning is issued. All Virginians can practice taking cover from tornadoes during the Statewide Tornado Drill, set for Tuesday, March 11, at 9:45 a.m. Every home, business, organization, school and college can hold a tornado drill. If you can’t participate at that time, then choose another time or date – the most important thing is to practice tornado safety.

To start the drill March 11, the National Weather Service will send a test tornado warning at 9:45 a.m. This will trigger a tone alert and message on NOAA Weather Radio that will prompt local radio and TV stations to broadcast a test message. (Learn more about NOAA Weather Radios and why you should have one at .)

When a tornado warning is issued for your area:

• Go immediately to a safe place – usually the lowest level of your home, office or school – and stay there until the warning expires.
• If there is no basement, go to a windowless interior room such as a closet, bathroom or interior hallway.
• Crouch as low as possible to the floor, facing down and covering your head with your hands.
• Get instructions on how to hold a drill and register now for the Statewide Tornado Drill at

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