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CHSV Black History Month Exhibit

Chesterfield Historical Society of VA to Celebrate Black History Month with New Exhibit on Chesterfield African-American Schools during the Segregated Era

Chesterfield, January 13, 2014 – The African-American History Committee of the Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia (CHSV) will mark Black History Month by recognizing the histories of segregated schools for African-Americans in Chesterfield County in a new rotating exhibit at the County Museum.

Opening on Saturday February 1, 2014 and running through Saturday May 31, this exhibit will feature the story of segregated schoolhouses throughout Chesterfield built to accommodate children of African-American descent. The exhibit will include six Chesterfield schools built with the support of the Rosenwald Fund–the collaboration between Booker T. Washington and Julius Rosenwald that led to the building of 5,000 schoolhouses in 15 Southern states.
The exhibit will present video recordings of former students as well as photos and artifacts loaned by local families, which include former students and school staff.
The Chesterfield County Museum is located at 6813 Mimms Loop in the county government complex. It is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Suggested admission is $2.00. For information, call 768-7311.

The non-profit Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia serves as the center for Chesterfield County history. Its mission is to research and celebrate Chesterfield County’s history. For additional information or to volunteer, go to

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