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“Children and the Arts” Debuts in 2012
This year’s MINDS WIDE OPEN initiative, focusing on women in the arts, was so successful that Virginians asked for a repeat performance. And what better encore than a spotlight on children enjoying and participating in the arts?
So it’s official! MINDS WIDE OPEN: Virginia Celebrates Children and the Arts will premiere March 1 through June 30, 2012. Virginia’s current and former first ladies will serve once again as honorary chairs, as announced during a July media event at the Executive Mansion.
With Children and the Arts, Virginia’s arts and cultural organizations will provide learning and outreach opportunities for students of all ages, backgrounds and interests. A greater knowledge of the arts will complement the work of teachers and schools, as well as ensure a well-rounded education for all Virginia students—whether they grow up to be a scientist, artist or basketball player. Studying the arts will build skills in problem-solving, teamwork and self-discipline, plus it will enhance workforce readiness among our next generation. And as a bonus, artists working with children will provide intriguing role models of working professionals dedicated to their careers.
So mark your calendar! Virginia’s children – and of course their families – will enjoy tens-of-thousands of opportunities to enjoy high quality performances, exhibitions, readings and films during the next MINDS WIDE OPEN: Virginia Celebrates Children and the Arts in 2012. Watch for updates at www.ArtsVA.com.