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March 2011 Publisher's Page

Spring is in the air, and not a moment too soon for this warm weather lover!

The boys and I pretty much hibernate from the first frost ‘til the first blooms of spring, so we’re anxious to get back out and enjoy all of the big events we have coming up.

The big event for RFM this month is our first-ever Summer Adventure Expo! Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, March 26, and meet us at Peak Experiences Indoor Climbing Center. We’ll have fun climbing the rock walls, jumping in the bounce house, and rockin’ out with The Diggity Dudes! Read all about it on page 33.

Another event RFM is proud to support is the April 9 Allstate DriveSmart 5K, to increase awareness of and help minimize distracted driving. Sadly, I am guilty-as-charged in this department. Between my phone and my kids, I am constantly reminding myself to concentrate on driving and nothing else when I’m behind the wheel. Eighty percent of all crashes can be attributed to some form of distraction, and as parents, we have a ton of distractions. With flashing billboards to read, GPS systems to fiddle with, dropped books to fish off the floor for the kids, and phones ringing, it’s enough to make me wish for the simpler days. Back to the 5K – there is even a jog stroller division, with prizes for the top three decorated strollers, so everyone can come out and support this important initiative.Check out page 28 for more information, and register online today.

But the biggest news in this issue for my family is ultra-important for our entire area: April 7 has been designated as the day for kindergarten registration for all Greater Richmond localities. See page 12 for the scoop on this first-time coming together of all area school systems and why it’s so important. I still can’t believe my little preemie is heading off to kindergarten! Since the day I found out I was having a late summer boy, people asked me if I planned to hold him back a year in school.(To which I’d answer, “Are you kidding me? I don’t even know what I’m making for dinner tonight, how should I know what I’m going to do in five years?!”) As it turns out, we just happen to have a feature story in this month’s issue on kindergarten readiness. (Although the article refers to the kids. I need another article that speaks to MY readiness!). The writer consulted several education experts and offers guidelines for making this important decision.

Back to spring… if you’ve been hibernating like me, enjoy getting back outdoors. And don’t forget the most important date of all – March 13, when we spring ahead and have that wonderful extra hour of daylight to play, play, play each fantastic day!

Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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