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March 2015


Ace in the Hills!

Different people relax in different ways. My family often opts to loaf on the beach, reading books. Okay, maybe that’s just me. But when we arrived at ACE Adventure Resort in southern West Virginia, it was clear many others prefer exercise as their means to unwind. This 1,500-acre adventure resort…

Causes and Crusaders

  Part Two in the RFM Series Cycling is a hobby as well as a passion for 42-year-old Mike Lang. The New Kent resident rides his bike in Richmond at least once a week, mostly in city parks but also on city streets. He and his three children, all under…

Family Board Games Equal Family Fun

Unplugging as a family with board games provides necessary life and learning skills and hours of family entertainment. Unplugging with Board Games In our house, playing board games is a big part of how we spend time together as a family. My husband and I and our two kids declare…


Family Board Games Equal Family Fun

Unplugging as a family with board games provides necessary life and learning skills and hours of family entertainment. Unplugging with Board Games In our house, playing board games is a big part of how we spend time together as a family. My husband and I and our two kids declare…

Gaming in a Family Way

We were a ping-pong family. My mother had her own paddle that she stored in a velour drawstring pouch. My dad had a top-spin on his serve that made it nearly impossible to return. These are very clear memories from back in the day of all of us playing tournaments,…

Learning to Lose Like a Ninja Warrior

Up until he was seven, sports were a source of camaraderie, physical exercise, and lots of fun for my son. Matthew willingly participated in soccer, flag football, basketball, and baseball. Sports were a place where everyone won because no one kept score. Until we signed up for the swim team…

Call Me Tax Dad

I have my #2 pencil. Here is the calculator with the enormous number pad. All my forms, receipts, and financial statements are neatly stacked in front of me. Time now to engage in that sacred, annual ritual. I am doing the taxes. And I am driving my family crazy. Don’t…

It’s Camp Time, RVA!

It may still feel like winter around here (darned groundhog), but before we know it, the kids will be out of school and driving us cra–  … I mean, filling our every day with joy and love! Let’s face it, that glorious break from the early mornings, homework, and lunch…

Wild Things

Spring is full of new life, including wildlife. Even in our urban settings, we see lots of babies, especially birds. Sometimes these youngsters need some help, but usually Mother Nature is taking care of her own. What should you do if you see wildlife that seems injured or orphaned? How…

Bullied at Home?

Anyone who is a sibling or has even observed siblings in action knows that there exists a special and often complex connection between combinations of brothers and sisters. These pairings make for some of the greatest love/hate relationships any of us will experience. A baby brother to take attention away,…

Richmond’s Favorite Son

Born in Richmond in 1943, tennis legend Arthur Ashe first played at Brook Field Park, near his Northside home. Growing up in the era of segregation, he was barred from playing tennis in many segregated city parks and in whites-only tournaments. But with skill, perseverance, and grace, he overcame discrimination…

Green Goo for You

Hmmm. Liquid or solid? Have you ever looked at a bowl of Jell-O or played with Silly Putty and wondered, Is that a liquid or a solid?  You may have gone so far as to think that it’s both, and part of the fourth state of matter called plasma. Well,…

Advice for Older Moms

Q: I am forty and just found out I’m having a baby. This is my second, but number one was born when I was just twenty – truly a lifetime ago! I am scared to death of everything: labor and delivery, taking care of a baby, raising a child when everyone…

Miracles in Motion Dance Troupe

In 1994, when Kim Moncrief graduated from VCU with degrees in dance and psychology, she had no idea what would come of her passion for dance. She traveled and danced competitively with a company and taught many students locally, but she never imagined where her dancing would ultimately lead. Until…

Play Al Fresco!

I often wish I could write a prescription that reads: Go outside and play! Take as directed, and undirected is even better. If daily outdoor play were a medicine, it would taste like bubble gum and be so good the kids would take it without fussing. It would help with poor…

No Boxes Required

Beef and Broccoli Lo Mein Ready in 35 minutes Cook 8 ounces (half a box) of thin spaghetti according to package directions, omitting salt, and drain. Combine the hot pasta and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, tossing well to coat. While pasta cooks, heat 1 tablespoon of peanut oil in…

Top 6 Not-So-Smart Financial Moves

People make common financial mistakes every day – bad decisions that cost them money. Do any of these blunders apply to you? 1. Not paying off credit card balances.  Sometimes people have a credit card balance that seems small, so they continue making payments though they could pay off the…

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