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April 2016


Richmond’s Original Family Museum is Evolving!

As a child, David Neale cringed at the thought of visiting a museum with family or friends. Docents hushing the masses, fragile exhibits protected by rope barriers, and boring history lessons, he knew, awaited him. Then his father took him to the Science Museum of Virginia. “I was crazy about…

Motivated Millennials!

What’s that you hear about millennials? They’re entitled, materialistic, and lazy? They’re not team players, and they want a trophy just for showing up? That myth is busted. This generation of high school students has shown that they are committed to improving society and that they’re not afraid of hard…

Meet Artist Hamilton Glass

Richmond and Philadelphia are cities both rich in history and thriving today. They are capitals – Richmond is our commonwealth’s capital city, and Philadelphia served briefly as our nation’s – and both are built on rivers. Both have a plethora of tattoo shops. But there’s another link. There’s a man…


Spring is in the Hair!

Whether it was Aaaaaugh! or Eeeeeek! or Ooooooh! no juxtaposition of letters would have done that shriek justice. Hot iron? Puncture wound? Home intruder? Those were the thoughts I remember spiraling through my head. And yes, this shriek actually lasted long enough for me to consider all three options. And…

Beginner’s Guide to Mountain Biking

Just about every kid I know enjoys riding a bike. Some take to it quickly, and others more slowly. But once they get the hang of it and gain some confidence, riding provides a tremendous sense of freedom for kids. I still remember the first time I rode my bike…

Earth Dad

A couple of years ago, my wife Dawn spied a stainless steel pail on Pinterest. Next thing I knew, it was living by our kitchen sink, holding eggshell shrapnel and avocado skins until I delivered them to their final resting place inside a large, domed tombstone that sat squat near…

April Greetings, Readers!

It’s RFM Summer Adventure Expo Month, and we’re gearing up to show you one great time back at Peak Experiences. In case you don’t have the date highlighted, starred, and smiley-faced on your calendar, this year’s Expo will be held on Sunday, April 17, from one to four, and as…

Spring Cleaning Secrets You Haven’t Heard

There’s something about spring that creates the urge to sort, clean, organize, and purge. Some people clean often, a lot, and regularly. Some clean in one long day every month. Some clean just before they’re having guests over. Here’s an important question: Do you take the time to clean and…

Lawmaking Update for RVA

If you got a little lost in all the media coverage about the General Assembly dealing with hospitals, guns, and judge appointments during the session that wrapped up mid-March, that’s certainly understandable. It happens every year. The hot-button issues take up the most airtime and ink, leaving many important changes…

Cooking with Star Power!

The sun is a star. And it’s more than 5,000 degrees Celsius, so why wouldn’t we use it to cook? To bake for an hour in a regular oven costs about sixteen cents, but the oven is big and needs an alternate energy source, like gas or electricity. You can…

Real-Life Child Abuse Prevention

My son is marrying a woman who grew up in an abusive home. I know she hasn’t sought professional therapy to deal with these issues, but her abuser is no longer in her life. She is wonderful in every way, but I worry about the likelihood that she will one…

Enrichmond Foundation

When most Virginia citizens think of Richmond, they associate the capital city with the bright lights of downtown, amazing restaurants, vibrant arts, rich history, and an abundance of energy fueled by a diverse culture. Richmond’s parks, community gardens, and shared outdoor public spaces can connect that valuable energy by celebrating…

New Dietary Guidelines Explained

  Every five years, the dietary guidelines for Americans are updated based on current scientific and medical knowledge. Introduced in 1990 under the National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act, the guidelines are a joint publication between the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture. While these guidelines…

Asian-Inspired Family Dishes

Snap Pea Salad with Lime Wasabi Dressing Boil water and add 1 cup snap peas. Let boil for 2 minutes. Drain. Mix 2 teaspoons wasabi paste (which can be made with wasabi powder and water), 2 tablespoons lime juice (fresh or not), and 2½  tablespoons vegetable oil. Toss lettuce spring…

Is It Mortgage Time?

For many people, making the decision to buy a home is exciting and means starting a new chapter in life. But preparing to take on a mortgage requires thought, preparation, and the right people around you to help the process along. As a loan officer, I see prospective homebuyers each…

Rosco’s Pearly Whites

Wow! You could really use a breath mint! Have you ever gotten a big kiss from your dog and had that thought? Dogs and cats get bad breath due to dental disease, and you can help by brushing your pet’s teeth. Brushing their teeth will remove plaque, the sticky film…

Keys to Children’s Mental Health

It is pretty easy as a parent to know when to seek assistance with the physical health of our kids. You know how to help you child with deep cuts, broken bones, and fevers. We usually err on the side of caution and take a child to the doctor or…

Unearthing Historic Treasure

For nearly three centuries, the James River has been vital to Richmond’s economic growth. From hydropower to shipping to beer production to recreation and tourism, the river’s waters are the foundation of our modern city. This foundation was revealed quite literally in 1983, when construction began on the James Center, what…

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