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A “Thank You” for Coach Parks!

Congratulations Brady Grow and keep up the good work! In response to RFM’s thank you note contest,
Brady submitted this finely crafted note and won a BBGB gift certificate for his efforts:

Dear Coach Parks,

Some teachers or coaches or instructors change your life and have a major impact on you. Here is the story of my baseball coach, with dedication and effort on how our team came out on top as champions, as well as how he changed each of our lives.

Practice, practice, practice. That was Coach Mike Parks’s motto to accomplishing tasks in life. That was his motto especially on the baseball field. Our team was just a small team in the rookie league of Chesterfield little league baseball, in Midlothian. Our dreams of winning the championship were slim at the start of the season, considering losing three games in a row to start. Although we practiced one to two times a week, that didn’t seem to be working for us all too well. After losing those games, and getting really close to the playoffs toward the end of the season. So, one breezy Wednesday night after a game, our baseball team sat down to have a talk about the playoffs and how our stats were and all that stuff, since it was our first time going into the playoffs at a rookie level.

That night he told us about his life motto that many of his friends use, as well as him. He stated it in a way that made all of us want to immediately go out to the field and practice right then. He announced at the end of his speech, “Practice makes perfect.”

The next week marked the start of June, exactly two weeks before playoffs. That week and the next, was just a week filled with Dedication, Hard work, and effort, off and on the baseball field. Before we knew it, the playoffs were here. Before each game, our coach reminded us of all the things he said that night, to help us not worry about anything, and just play baseball. After three very close games, we found our self’s in the championship game. That was the night he really stressed the things he told that night plus introduced some last minute techniques to help us win. That night our team went home champs. We knew all that motivation and effort given to us paid off.

Before I had Coach Mike, My team and I never really understood dedication and putting your heart into something, but our Coach Mike Parks taught us. That is why I wanted to say, Thank You Coach Mike for all you did for us that season.


Brady Grow

Karen Schwartzkopf has her dream job as managing editor of RFM. Wife, mother, arts and sports lover, she lives and works in the West End with her family, including husband Scott, who not coincidentally is RFM’s creative director. You can read Karen’s take on parenting her three daughters – Sam, Robin, and Lindsey, also known as the women-children – in the Editor’s Voice.

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