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Science Museum of Virginia Launches Climate-Themed Lecture Series

The Science Museum of Virginia introduces Climate Connections, a free, five-part lecture series launching in March 2017. Connecting the community with expert resources and resiliency-themed content, Climate Connections investigates our societal understanding of climate science.

Evidence for a changing climate can be found everywhere, from sea level rise impacting coastal communities all along the Eastern Seaboard to Richmond experiencing more humid summers and fewer days with temperatures below freezing. These changes, though seemingly small, lead to more frequent and disruptive flooding, shifts in our springtime blooms and a longer mosquito season. The Climate Connections lecture series will focus on these issues, their impacts and ask: How can we make Virginia more resilient to these changes now and in the future?

“A resilient Virginia is what we all want for our future, and that requires tackling some of the challenges posed by climate change together,” explains Dr. Jeremy Hoffman, Climate and Earth Science Specialist at the Science Museum of Virginia. “We’re thrilled to provide our guests with information about both the science and the solutions here at the Museum.”

The spring lecture series will explore global and local environmental change each Wednesday evening of the month. Guest speakers will share their research, findings and passion through engaging and thought-provoking presentations – including a dynamic rap performance.

This climate and resiliency-focused evening lecture series is hosted by the Museum under award # NA15SEC0080009 from the Environmental Literacy Grant program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce.

Beach erosion from Hurricane Sandy resulted in escarpments like this one at Wallops Island, Virginia.

Communicating Climate Science
Wednesday, March 1,  7 to 9 pm
Dr. Carrie McDougall, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist, will discuss communicating climate science and resiliency. Dr. Jeremy Hoffman, Science Museum of Virginia Climate and Earth Science Specialist, will give guests an in-depth look at what climate change is, how it’s happening, its impacts and how we can adapt.

Sea-level Rise in Virginia
Wednesday, March 8, 7 to 9 pm
Dr. Carl Hershner, Director of the Center for Coastal Resources Management and Professor of Marine Science at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, will discuss sea-level rise in Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay and its past, present and future.

Geologic Studies of Barrier Islands
Wednesday, March 15, 7 to 9 pm
Dr. Chris Hein, Assistant Professor of Coastal Geology at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science will discuss geological studies of barrier islands to help better understand and respond to the changes affecting the Outer Banks and Virginia’s Eastern Shore.

Shoreline Erosion
Wednesday, March 22, 7 to 9 pm
Scott Hardaway, Marine Scientist Supervisor at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, will discuss shoreline erosion occurring in the Bay and Virginia coastlines along with future management plans and Ph.D. candidate Molly Mitchell will discuss houses that float and innovative ways other countries are dealing with sea-level rise and the future in Hampton Roads.

Climate Chaos
Wednesday, March 29, 7 to 9 pm
Baba Brinkman, the only peer-reviewed climate rap artist, will perform The Rap Guide to Climate Chaos. The Canadian rap artist is an award-winning playwright and former tree-planter who has personally planted more than one million trees.

Climate Connections lectures are free and open to the public. Pre-registration is required, seating is limited. To reserve seats, register online now


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