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Planning a pregnancy? Currently pregnant or in the early stages of parenting?
The Nurture RVA Birth and Baby Fair, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, April 1, at the Science Museum of Virginia unites expecting and new parents with care providers, businesses, and organizations that serve families during this exciting and challenging life transition. Admission to the event is free (regular admission applies for museum exhibits).
“Attendees can interact face-to-face with service providers, which can be invaluable when you’re figuring out your options,” says Leslie Lytle, executive director of Nurture.
This year’s event includes fifty vendors, 500-plus attendees (in addition to museum visitors), raffle prizes and giveaways, prenatal yoga, infant massage, postpartum exercise, and other demos. Visit Nurture RVA for more information and a demo schedule.
Support the Diaper Drive: Nurture is partnering with Capital Diaper Bank! Attendees who donate diapers will receive eight raffle tickets for a full pack of diapers, and three for a partial pack. The greatest need is size four and five.
To learn more about Capital Diaper Bank, click here.