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Slow down, summer!

How is it that when the calendar turns from June to July, it feels like there’s a mad dash to get all of those summer bucket-list items accomplished before it’s time to head back to school?

RFM’s amazing editor, Karen, must have known one of my summer to-dos when she was putting together this issue. Now more than ever, I am determined to get down to St. John’s Church for the Patrick Henry “Give me liberty or give me death!” speech reenactment. Our feature story, beginning on page twenty, takes us inside the classic RVA production visitors from around the world come to see.

Our July calendar is packed with very cool, very Richmond things to see and do all month long! Whether your bucket list includes learning more about history, taking the family to more live performances, or cooling off at our area libraries, you’re sure to find lots of things that fit the bill.

My 9-year-old son was looking over my shoulder at the calendar on my computer screen and remarked, “Mom, why don’t we actually DO more of these things?”

“I know, right?!” I proclaimed. “There are just so many choices and not enough hours in the day!”

This summer, we’re going to do what I hear so many other families do – circle the calendar events we’d like to attend, keep a copy of RFM on the front seat of the car (and maybe another one on the kitchen counter), and really try to make some of this fun happen. I heard great reports from the inaugural Fourth of July laser-light show at Crump Park last year, so that will be on the short list, as will be a visit to ARCpark for their new Kids’ Summer Series.

Also on our list? Finishing a couple of read-aloud books we started in the spring. Our feature story about the importance of reading to your kids, no matter their ages, really hits home for me. I sometimes feel silly reading to my rising sixth grader, but after this article, I won’t anymore. We really enjoyed Misty of Chincoteague earlier this year, a book I always meant to read as a child. We’re now itching to get over to the Eastern Shore to explore the area (we’ll hit the RFM archives to re-read the features about that area that we ran back in 2011 and 2013 as we plan our trip).

Now, we’re working on the second book in the Harry Potter series – late to the game, we know, but that’s okay! Our friends who have already whipped through all the books are so jealous that we are just setting out on the adventures, reading a book at a time, then following it up with the movie version. And I’m not above pulling out our favorite picture books from years past from time to time. Just last night, my 9-year-old and I acted out two of our favorite Elephant and Piggie books with the Piggie and Gerald stuffed animals we scored from Barnes and Noble a few years ago.

No matter what’s on your family’s list this summer, I hope you have a great one. And above all, I hope you get the most out of time spent with each other, no matter what you’re up to! If you’ll be reading (like us!), I’d love to hear what some of your favorite read-alouds have been through the years. Drop me a line at

Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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