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Margaret Thompson

First ever May and June issue!

As I mentioned in my last note, RFM has switched to printing every other month, and I’m not gonna lie, it’s been an adjustment! This issue in particular has my mind all over the map – is it spring? Is it summer? And of course, the answer is, it’s both! I’m leaning into the idea of putting these two months together because they are my two favorite months of the year – warm but not hot, no more pollen to deal with, a few family birthdays to celebrate, plus Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and the end of the school year. May and June check all of the boxes, and so does this issue of RFM, so let’s dive right in (which reminds me, the pools open during these months, too – yay!).

First, how about this issue’s cover?! Our creative team had a blast designing this cool cover with RVA illustrator and all-around awesome guy, Doug Orleski. Flip to page 28 to meet the man known to many as RVA Coffee Stain – and you’ll read the origin story of that moniker, too!

On a much more serious note, and one that hits close to home with a new driver in the house (can you even believe my firstborn Will is about to turn sixteen?! I know I can’t.), we have an in-depth look at distracted and unsafe driving trends in our area, beginning on page 18. Paula Peters Chambers talked to experts at VDOT, AAA, Drive Smart, and several other area groups who are working to create a culture of transportation security for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. Her findings are eye-opening and impact us all, so be sure to give it a read and share it with your teen drivers.

Back on the fun front, Richmond has a big – and I mean big! –  reopening in May, when Virginia Museum of History and Culture unveils its renovation and expansion. As you’ll read beginning on page 52, this is fabulous news for families, as a large part of the mission of the renovation was to better connect with families and young people. We can’t wait to check out the new family gallery, the new exhibits, the café, and so much more.  

And the “keep it for future reference” article in this issue comes from RFM Real Mom and author Erin Gifford who gives us five great family hikes to check out around Richmond, on page 24. We love exploring new parts of the region, especially those that are dog-friendly now that we have four-legged family members, which has made hiking one of our go-to family activities these last few years. I’ll add another favorite spot to Erin’s list – Hollywood Cemetery. There is so much history to explore there, with great views of the river, decent hills to get in a good workout, and lots of dog (and even a frog!) statues to amuse all six of us. 

Finally, we’re thrilled and we know you will be, too, to see so many in-person events back on the RFM calendar, starting on page 64. We can’t wait to get back to Riverrock, the Ashland Strawberry Faire, and have the RFM booth out at Virginia War Memorial’s Family Day on June 25. We hope to see you there!

Thank you for picking up this issue, and enjoy the end of spring and beginning of summer!

Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! Mom of two boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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