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Hang on to this issue!

We’re marking our 9-year anniversary with a whopper of an issue, dedicated to all things education! And whether you have kids in school or not, I guarantee you’ll find something among these 100 pages to entertain, inform, and enlighten you (that was part of our original mission statement, way back in 2009!).

During the last nine years with RFM, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some inspiring Richmonders, and it has been my dream come true to be able to bring you some of their stories in the magazine and on our website. Three of those amazing folks are highlighted in this issue – Johnny Harris, Betty Walker, and Audrey Smith. I have visited the schools that they founded and was deeply moved when they recounted what drove them to actually start a school from the ground up, with no big endowments or grants – just grit and determination and a passionate desire to fill voids they recognized in the education landscape. You can read all about them and get inspired too, beginning on page 20.

You’ll also get to know the tremendously talented Elijah Coles-Brown, the 14-year-old powerhouse who has quite a way with words. Just looking at all of the pictures of the famous people he’s met will wow you, and wait until you read about all he’s accomplished in his young life. His story starts on page 44.

We have advice galore in this expanded education issue, everything from getting your study space organized to how to be a better homework helper (Hint: Don’t even think about doing any part of it for them!). We even give you guidance on saving for college on page 54 (and who couldn’t use some advice in that department?!). I found so many tips in this issue that we have put to immediate use in our household to get this school year started on the right foot, and I know you will, too!

And I wouldn’t be a good publisher if I didn’t remind you to take a close look at the ads in this (and every) issue. We are so fortunate to have some of the best area schools, education specialists, shopping and entertainment venues, medical and dental practices, and more in our pages, making it possible to bring you RFM for free each month. We also tell you about some fantastic ways to get involved with our area’s nonprofits throughout this issue, everything from house tours to donut runs (that’s right!) and gingerbread house decorating events for great causes.

At RFM, we are forever grateful to all the businesses who put their trust in us to help spread their messages in each issue, and we are so very thankful to you for picking up Richmond’s trusted family lifestyle magazine each month – for nine years running. Here’s to the next nine!

Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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