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June greetings, readers!

Summer is upon us, and for many, it’s a time of celebration.

There are graduations, weddings, birthdays, and end-of-school parties left and right. Being the mom of “advanced maternal age” that I am, (thank you OB-GYNs everywhere for that moniker) I have friends who are at every end of the celebration spectrum, from first birthdays to high school and college graduations, and every stage in between. I often forget how much older I am than the parents of many of my kids’ friends until something happens to remind me, like the time the dad of one of my son’s preschool friends saw one of my high school friends at my son’s birthday party and exclaimed, “Hey, you were my Spanish teacher!” Or I see the mother of my son’s classmate bid a fond farewell to her twenties on Facebook. Twenties?! As I type this, the clock literally just struck midnight on my birthday, and well, let’s just say my twenties are a couple of decades in the rearview mirror. Older but wiser, right?

Or something like that.

I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying recital pictures, prom pictures, graduation pictures, and lots of pictures of Mother’s Day celebrations on social media of late, and this month, I’m looking forward to celebrating the dads out there. Dads have a special place in our hearts, different, but no less special than the place we hold for our moms. Father’s Day doesn’t seem to get all of the fuss that Mother’s Day garners, so what do you say we change that up this year?! Let’s take Dad out to a fancy meal, give him a super-special gift worthy of a king, and most importantly, tell him how much we love him. I love you, Dad!

We have a lot to celebrate here at RFM this month, too, and it’s all thanks to you, faithful readers. You helped us spread the word about your favorite lifestyle magazine, telling your friends to grab a copy each and every month. We’ve grown and grown, and now, we’re adding all forty-one area Food Lion locations to our distribution network, adding 8,000 more copies to the streets of Greater Richmond each month! We hope this will make us even easier to find, now at over 850 locations across the area! If you’re one of our advertisers, this is good news for you. And if you’re not, and you own a business in or around RVA, maybe we need to talk!

In other RFM summer news, don’t forget to make sure your pool is signed up to help us Dunk Hunger. The winning team will win an epic pool party to close out the summer! Sign up today at and then start bringing in food to stock the pantry at FeedMore when you visit the pool this month.

Enjoy the RVA summer – we have lots of great ideas to help you make the most of it in this issue!



Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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