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Plant Your Blessings Tree

Nurturing Positivity with a Craft

In a year full of challenges, it is good to remember the blessings in our lives. As we kick off a new year, take some time to brainstorm memories, joys, gifts – the positive things that surround you. Jot down your blessings with your family and turn them into a special decoration that can brighten your winter months.

What you need:

Dirt or filler (florist foam, glass beads, etc.)
Thin branches
  Colorful paper
Hole punch
Pens or markers

What you do:

1. Head outside to find several small, thin branches that can be used to create the tree.

2. Back inside, gently rinse your branches to remove any excess dirt or bugs; set aside to dry.

3. Use scissors to cut paper into desired shapes that will hang on the tree. 

4. Punch a small hole near the top of each shape and attach string.

5. With your family, talk about all the things you are grateful for this year. Encourage family members to write one blessing on each paper shape.

6. Fill your container part way and insert your branches. Continue filling the container. Adjust branches as needed. 

7. Whoever writes a blessing should hang it on your family’s tree. 

8. Display your blessings tree someplace special where you and your family can enjoy it and be reminded of all the joys in your life.

Photo: Scott Schwartzkopf

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