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RVA Coffee Stain – Doug Orleski

(Here’s his blog post, also know as “how he did it.”)

If Richmond had a resident cartoonist, it would have to be RVA Coffee Stain – also known as Doug Orleski. This month, we caught up with Doug, who recently stepped back from his regular role contributing cartoons to Style Weekly.

Celebrating and sometimes poking fun at places, things, or going-ons around Richmond, Doug’s RVA Coffee Stain was published for four years. Over time, a few non-Richmond themes and jokes were peppered into the popular single-cell comic.

This Philly native and father of two discovered Virginia when he attended Christopher Newport University. A man of many talents, Doug works as a designer at Precision Marketing Group. According to Doug, the best part of flex-time and working in the arts is being able to spend time with his two little ones. “I love getting to see my kids experience things for the first time. It could be simple things like trying a pickle, or bigger things like their first theatre show. ”

Sharing a sentiment of many parents who set their own work schedules, Doug says, “It’s hard to shut it off at the end of the day. You just have to guard your time closely and not burn yourself out. It’s okay to say no to projects.”

While he tried acting after high school – that’s how he met his wife – Doug knew long before then that cartooning was his passion. “When I was published in the school newspaper, I knew,” says Doug. “Seeing it there in print set something off in me and it’s been full-steam ever since.”

Keep reading to learn more about a talented and funny Richmond artist. And when you see a print from RVA Coffee Stain at a local shop this holiday season – remember, you saw him in RFM!


Mountains or beach? 

I’m not a fan of being shirtless around strangers, getting henna tattoos, or being eaten by a shark, so definitely mountains. 

Dogs or cats? 

Dogs – but only because mine is laying on my bed watching me type this. 

If you were stranded on a desert island, what food would you want to grow on trees? 

Twizzlers. After I’m done feasting off the Twizzler tree, I’ll harvest the rest of its bounty, weave them into a boat, sail across the sea, and restore the heart of the ocean.

What’s the last series you binge-watched? 

The Office. Every few months we start the whole series from the beginning.

What’s the last play or concert you attended in Richmond? 

The Avett Brothers at The National. We stood on the floor level with all the young kids. That might be the last time I do that at a concert.

Favorite Richmond restaurant for the whole family? 

Lemon Cuisine of India. It’s amazing and people don’t talk about it enough.

When it’s just you and your honey? 

Wait, people actually get alone-time together without their kids? I’ve never heard of that.

Favorite family outing in Richmond? 

The VMFA. Go on a Sunday morning right when they open. Everyone is at church, so you basically have the place to yourself. There are even religious paintings, so it cancels out missing church. 

What is your favorite vacation spot? 

My house, in my bed, with consecutive uninterrupted hours of Netflix.

What is your favorite way to spend a rainy Sunday? 

When it rains, I like to say to my wife, “I was really hoping to mow the grass today.” It makes it look like I was going to do it, but I don’t actually have to because of the rain. We all win.

What is your energy source? 

Romantic comedies starring John Cusack. I dare you to watch one and not be ready to love and conquer all your dreams.

Finish this sentence: “My family loves it when I…

sing show tunes while making breakfast.”

Readers will be surprised to know… 

that I was asked to do this Q&A.

Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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