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Say it with me now, “It’s spring!”

Ah-chooo! It must be April, complete with all the pollen our noses can hold. The deck table, windows, cars, and everything in between is covered in that lovely yellow film, but it’s worth it to know that it’s bringing all of the flowers that come with a beautiful Richmond spring.

One RVA newcomer, Angela Weight, is probably figuring out all of the joys of Richmond allergies right about now. Angela is a new writer for RFM, and brand new to the Richmond area, arriving just nine months ago from Georgia. Her first feature, all about the trials and tribulations of moving and what to consider when planning a relocation, is on page 18, and is sure to give you a chuckle or two, along with some good food for thought about our fair city and all it has to offer. I first met Angela on Twitter of all places, as she was asking a barrage of questions about life in Richmond to any and everyone willing to toss in his or her two cents. I was happy to toot Hanover County’s horn, even trying to entice her to buy my house since we were in the process of building one around the corner (yes, the neighborhood is that great!). Alas, she eventually discovered her RVA dream house elsewhere, but she kept in touch, and we’re happy to now have her join the RFM family of talented local writers we’re privileged to share with
our readers each month.

As for me and my family, I can’t imagine ever leaving Richmond, for jobs or anything else. I suppose like Angela, I should never say never, but this has been my home since my mom and I moved here from Maryland when I was in the fifth grade, and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. When I was preparing to graduate from William and Mary, all of my college friends were either returning to or moving to the DC/Northern Virginia area and begged me to come along for the fun. “Live with that traffic and cost of living?! No thank you!” I replied. While I do regret not living on the Outer Banks for a summer in college, I definitely do not regret sending my fellow Tribesmen off to NOVA without me (I guess I knew deep down we’d all reunite on Facebook one day.).

Besides, had I not come back to Richmond after college, one of the happiest times of recent memory might never have happened. As I sat in Chick-fil-A with my son one evening last month, having dinner and hearing all about his guitar lesson, who walked in, but my very favorite teacher from Hermitage High School, Mr. Metcalf, my senior year psychology teacher. He looked me right in the face and said, “You! I know you…from a long time ago, but you look exactly the same!” (Now you know why I like him so much!) The next day, I ran into my high school friend, Barbara, at Costco. Next week, who knows who it will be! But I’m happy we all decided to keep Richmond as our hometown.

If you’re new to town or you’re a lifer, keep RFM nearby – whether it’s the magazine, online, or through social media, we’ll help you along the way.

Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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