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September Salutations…

and thanks for picking up this issue of RFM!

After what I hope was a fantastic summer, the time has come to pack those swimsuits away and put the kiddos on the bus back to school. It’s a bittersweet time for kids and parents alike, and the feelings around our household are no different.

As much as I loved spending extra time with the kids, I must admit that I failed at all things education and summer-slide prevention. I had the best of intentions (you know what they say about the road to…), but at summer’s end, we hadn’t spent those fifteen minutes each day practicing multiplication, and we hadn’t read fifteen chapter books each (or ten…or five…). We didn’t even explore our city’s history like I had planned (unless the history of our city’s donut shops count, in which case, nailed it!). The boys hit a couple of great 12006179_10206665401945408_6001280902795183929_n (1)summer camps for a few weeks (three cheers for All Fired Up!), paid a visit to Uptown Alley for a fun day of food, bowling, and games, took in a few summer movies, and challenged their minds and bodies at Boost! at the Science Museum of Virginia. But the best memories of the summer of 2015? Family bike rides, a week of Grandma Camp, visits with cousins, family game nights, and lots of snuggles and sleeping in (yes, I failed at keeping them on schedule, too).

If you’re the parent of a school-aged kid, you might agree with me that new school-year’s resolutions are an even better idea than New Year’s resolutions. My list probably isn’t so different than any other well-intentioned caregiver: get the kids to bed earlier; don’t put homework and school projects off ‘til the last minute; figure out better/more interesting/healthier lunches; eat dinner as a family; read more; play on electronics less.

With those lofty goals in mind, another school year begins, with lighter hair, tanner skin, taller bodies, and happy memories. Some of you sent your babies off to college recently, some of you gave birth to your first over the summer. No matter what stage of the parenting game you’re in, or even if you aren’t a parent, make some lasting memories with the ones you love in this new season.

We have a ton of suggestions to help you make family memories in this issue, including an inspired road trip. Check out Lynn Kirk’s report and tips for making the most of your trip to Amish Country, beginning on page twenty. Her recap of a great summer trip with the grandkids will have you packing your bags and heading to Pennsylvania this fall. On page nine, we have a round-up of RVA runs and walks (and even an inflatable obstacle course for kids!), perfect for the whole family and plenty of memory-making while you do something good for our area’s non-profit organizations.

And be sure to join us Sunday, September 27, from one to five at Westchester Commons for DiggityFEST 2015! We’ll send the Diggity Dudes off to retirement in grand style, with an afternoon of music, food, games, and of course, memories. See you there!


Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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