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Spring Greetings, RFM Readers!

In every issue of RFM, I have at least one laugh out loud moment as I read over the month’s content. This month’s LOL involves a Quaker mom and a breakfast table, and every time I reread it, I crack up laughing again. Of course, it’s so amusing to me because I can totally relate to the story and the topic of my favorite feature this month – boys and how they’re wired.

What makes boys tick? This is a question I’ve posed many times over the last nearly six years of having these two little boys in my life, as it is very apparent they don’t operate quite like my friends’ daughters or my nieces.

I ask my boys every day if they could bottle up just a little of their energy for me, as I watch them run circles around me on a daily basis (truly – running…in circles – often with capes flying off their backs). Girls around the same age just seem so – calm, in comparison to boys. I hear parents say they’d trade a little rambunctiousness for all the girl drama any day, but sometimes I’m not so sure.

And then there are the guns. Not to get too political here, but I don’t like guns. Could be because I was accidentally shot squarely through the trachea with a bb gun when I was eight years old, but that’s a story for another time. And for the life of me, I’ll never figure out why someone thought it was a good idea to make toy guns – and so many of them!Water ones, Nerf ones, cap ones, even marshmallow ones, and well, that’s just a waste of good food. I can remember the first time a toy gun came into our gunless home in a goodie bag from a birthday party. Knowing how I would feel, my son proclaimed, “It’s not a gun, Mom, it’s just a water squirter.” Nice try. But just like the Quaker mom, I have found that in a house full of boys, guns seem to magically appear, where just seconds before, an innocent straw, or stick, or toothbrush had been. I will never like it, I will never play along, but I suppose I will have to learn to live with it since these boys – thank goodness – aren’t going anywhere.

Fortunately for the boys and for me, April in Richmond is shaping up to be fantastically entertaining for boys and girls alike! There are Easter and spring break events galore, including Maymont’s Family Easter on the seventh and Easter on Parade on the eighth. The Richmond Flying Squirrels have their 2012 home opener on the twelfth, complete with fireworks and an appearance by Atlanta Braves great Dale Murphy. And we all get to pull out our superhero costumes for the CASA Superhero Run on April 28. And hey, whether you have boys, girls or both, every family needs at least one superhero cape!

Enjoy this issue and have a fabulous spring!

Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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