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Spring at last!

What a winter we’ve had, readers, but I really, really this time, think it’s over and spring has sprung at long last.

As endless as this winter felt, some things went by in a flash. Everyone always tells me not to blink or our kids will be grown, and boy, isn’t that the truth? I kid you not, I went on an overnight trip with my older son, and while I was gone, my 5-year-old lost a tooth, mastered a two-wheeler, and I swear, grew two inches. And I was really surprised when, halfway through our trip, I received an email from him! Yes, Dad set him up with his own email account, and it took him about two seconds to advance right past me with his IT skills…how did you make that heart icon, little guy?

No matter the stage of parenting you’re in, and even if you’re not a mom or dad, as we often hear from our readers who just appreciate a great read, there’s something for you in this month’s issue.

First up, we’ll head over to Virginia Beach to explore all things family at this not-so-far-away destination that you’ll want to put on your must-visit list this spring or summer. Just reading it got me excited for summer and all things beachy! Next, Lisa Crutchfield explores the pros and cons of school uniforms and gives compelling reasons why it may be worth exploring right here in RVA (and you’ll read that some local public schools are already giving it a try!). I know I’d be all for it – anything that saves me one more decision in the morning and what feels like the constant trips to replace those holey jeans! Also in this issue, you’ll love our visit with some of the area’s favorite trees…that’s right – trees! What may have sounded like a humdrum topic will have you venturing out to climb some of RVA’s beloved trees and wanting to learn more about their history. This month’s Real Mom could have been written by me – I just kept nodding in agreement as I read all about this mom’s transition from AC-lover to semi-outsdoorsman. I can’t wait to try some of her advice!

There’s a lot to get out and do this month in Richmond, and it’s all detailed in this issue. Be sure to check out the ads – yes, the ads! At least in this publication, our limited ad space brings you the best, most-trusted businesses that care about families in Richmond, and it’s here that you’ll also find some of the non-profit events we’re proud to sponsor this spring. You can suit up like your favorite superhero at the CASA Superhero Run on April 26, or have the run of the Diamond at the ASK Walk. Then mark your calendars for more family fun in early May at the second annual Firefighter Games at Short Pump Mall on the third, the March for Babies on the fourth, and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on May 10. Come see us at any of these events and say, “Happy Spring” – at last!

Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.
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