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Counting Kids Matters

Have you ever wondered how the federal government decides to divide funds among the states for institutions and crucial programs that help children live healthy, happy lives? To allocate funds to programs like Head Start, public schools, health insurance coverage,…

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Speaking Up on Capitol Hill

Often, families who become passionate advocates for a particular cause find their way to action through hardship and suffering. That is definitely the case for Henrico mom Cindy Maynard and her son, Jake. Jake, a 19-year-old freshman at the University…

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An Advocacy Success Story

Many of you are grandparents – and some of you are raising grandchildren at a time you thought your child-rearing duties would be over. Or, perhaps you are an aunt or uncle who has stepped in during a family crisis…

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Advocacy Efforts Rewarded

I used to read to my daughter a great children‘s book called A Walk in New York by Salvatore Rubbino. In it, we learned that the famous Library Lions, the marble sculptures that have stood guard at the New York…

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New Leadership Goals

Virginians have elected a new governor, Ralph Northam, who will take office January 13, 2018. What will his priorities be? One early action he could take to ensure children’s issues are a top priority during his administration is to form…

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Focus on Virginia Elections

On November 7, Virginians will head to the polls to elect a new governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and all one hundred members of the Virginia House of Delegates. In the last full month before the election, Family Advocate examines…

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