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Drive Smart Virginia

On a snowy March evening in 2014, Brad Hughes parked his patrol vehicle on Midlothian Turnpike in Chesterfield County and turned on his emergency lights. As a conservator of the peace, one of Hughes’ responsibilities was to assist police officers…

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May greetings, RFM Readers!

I’m here this month to save you from yourself, you hard workers. Do you know that Americans left 662 million – MILLION! – vacation days on the table last year? We’re talking days that our employers want to actually pay…

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The Park with a Rich Past

In 1908, the publisher of the Richmond Times-Dispatch died. The next year, Joseph Bryan’s widow bought a 262-acre estate called Rosewood and gave it to the City of Richmond to establish a free public park called Bryan Park in her…

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Richmond Animal League

In August 2017, three tiny kittens arrived at Richmond Animal League (RAL) from a partnering municipal shelter. These kittens, like many of the more than 500 who were cared for by RAL in 2017, were neglected, underweight, and had goopy…

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Let there be light!

I’ve made up my mind, the day we set the clocks ahead each spring is officially my favorite day of the year (and I am not one to take losing an hour’s sleep lightly). It really hit me this year…

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Creek Beneath the Streets

The original 1737 layout of Richmond placed the heart of the city in a verdant valley.  This valley was named after the creek that formed it. The Powhatans called the creek Shacahocan – meaning stone – for the rocky outcropping…

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Better Housing Coalition

When Shanté moved into the Better Housing Coalition’s Lincoln Mews community last summer with her son, she had no idea her family would grow so quickly. A year ago, Shanté and her 9-year-old son Darelle were homeless. Adding to the…

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It’s our 100th Issue!

No really, we weren’t counting. As our loyal RFM readers know, our team stays mighty busy from one issue to the next, only stopping to count the number of years we’ve been at it every October. But after celebrating our…

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Women’s Rights in Virginia

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. In 1923, Alice Paul (1885 -1977), suffragist, feminist, and one of the primary strategists for the…

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Happy 2018, RFM Readers!

I can hardly believe the holidays are over and a shiny new year has arrived, full of possibilities. There are words in our gloriously quirky English language that only come out for special occasions, like hunker and batten during stormy…

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