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Richmond’s Education History

Before the city appropriated funds for the secondary education of African American children, that instruction was given at the Colored Normal School. Historically, “normal schools” trained teachers of all races. Founded in 1865 with the help of Freedmen’s Bureau funds,…

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Support Sacred Heart Center’s Mission

Sacred Heart Center Needs Your Help The Sacred Heart Center is accepting donations of pre-loved stuffed animals and toys for the kids served in its family programming services. Gently used, clean stuffed animals or dolls and 1-piece small toys (like cars and…

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Wow! It’s September, Readers!

Or as I like to say, “Hooray! It’s September, and I survived another summer without bankrupting my company or misplacing a child (mine or someone else’s)!” They say it takes a village. I had never really thought I had a…

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Richmond’s History Maker

In 1899, the Independent Order of St. Luke was teetering toward bankruptcy. A benevolent society that provided burial insurance for members of Richmond’s African American community, the organization had just a thousand members and a little over thirty dollars in its…

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Baby, It’s HOT Outside!

Well, it is August – what did we expect?! If you’ve read RFM for a few years, you know I refuse to make August a back-to-school issue. After all, there is still a third of summer left! August marks a…

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Making History on the Rocks

From shipping and hydropower to fishing, boating, and bathing (yes, the traditional kind!), early life in Richmond revolved around the James River. Although the river was the primary reason for the city’s founding, by the mid-twentieth century, it had become…

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Circle Center Adult Day Services

“Good morning, Geneva! How are you today?” A mother, grandmother, and Circle Center Adult Day Services participant, Geneva is greeted warmly as she makes her way into the Richmond facility. Dropped off by her daughter, who has her own busy…

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Slow down, summer!

How is it that when the calendar turns from June to July, it feels like there’s a mad dash to get all of those summer bucket-list items accomplished before it’s time to head back to school? RFM’s amazing editor, Karen,…

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