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Spring greetings, RFM readers!

With spring in full swing and summer breathing down our collective necks, many of us are likely trying to get those last minute projects finished up around the house before the kids are all ours – for the whole summer.…

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ART 180: Change Through Art

As soon as Todd Hale, a professional artist and ART 180 program assistant, started chatting with a shy seventh-grader named Stephon in the cafeteria of Binford Middle School in Richmond, he knew he’d met a fellow artist. “I was immediately…

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Richmond Peace Education Center

When two of their classmates were murdered in 2004, a group of students came to Richmond educator Ram Bhagat for guidance. Bhagat, a member of the Richmond Peace Education Center (RPEC) board of directors, helped the teens organize a conference…

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Spring at last!

What a winter we’ve had, readers, but I really, really this time, think it’s over and spring has sprung at long last. As endless as this winter felt, some things went by in a flash. Everyone always tells me not…

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Council on International Educational Exchange

Students and CIEE host siblings enjoyed a holiday get-together, no doubt celebrating traditions from around the world. At right, Jean and Tom Anderson (front) orchestrated a family reunion of sorts with Ludvik, Simon, and Malte in Prague. ____________________ When Jean…

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Who’s ready for more snow?

No? Oh, come on! Hasn’t it been fun pretending we live in Minnesota, with what seems like one snowstorm after another? Heck, the folks living in the seriously snowy states have surely been laughing at us again this year. What…

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Here’s to a hope-filled February!

The hour was drawing near. It was go-to-the-printer time, and there was a gaping hole where my publisher’s note belonged. Something usually comes to me, but this time, I was drawing a complete blank. In recent days, we’ve had a…

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Ronald McDonald House Charities of Richmond

Join RMHC for a Virtual Family Sleepover During Valentine’s Weekend Pick a night during the weekend, February 11 through 13, to grab your pajamas and bring the family together for some good old-fashioned quality time. A brief pre-recorded program will…

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