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ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation

Parents spend lots of time and effort planning the perfect birthday for their kids, but can you imagine finding out on your child’s special day that she has cancer? That’s what happened to the Clemmer family in May 2004, when…

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It's Our Month, Moms!

Okay, we only get a day, but May has always reminded me of Mother's Day the whole month long, even before I was a mom myself. We've all seen that greeting card before… the one especially meant for your sibling…

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Arthritis Foundation

Rion Landrum was a teenager, just 19 years old, when his hip started giving him trouble. He was a young man serving in the Navy, playing a seemingly harmless game of football with friends. For the next ten years he…

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Spring Forward, RFM Readers!

You don’t have to look far to see signs of spring in Richmond.From the budding of the trees and the warming of the temperatures to the animals emerging from their winter hideaways, there seems to be the promise of new…

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February Greetings, RFM Readers!

In honor of Valentine’s Day, we have packed this issue with things you’re sure to love. (Okay, that’s true in every issue, but I had to tie in this month’s mushy holiday somehow!) But really, we have everything from family…

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Happy New Year from RFM!

Of course, what New Year’s greeting would be complete without a quick recap of the year that was? Everyone at Richmond Family Magazine agrees that 2011 rocked for one very important reason – okay, more like tens of thousands of…

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DLW Veterans Outreach Center

David Williams of Richmond, founder and executive director of DLW Veterans Outreach & Training Center, believes in veterans, and wants to share as many of their success stories as he can. “One of our best outcomes involves a homeless female…

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Nonprofits Go Tree-to-Tree

Once upon a Christmas time, thousands of people drove into the heart of Richmond to visit the downtown Miller & Rhoads department store. Some said its window displays rivaled those of Macy’s in New York City. Many a youngster had…

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