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What Pixar’s “Inside Out” Teaches Parents

  By now, Pixar’s latest animated film, Inside Out, has probably replaced your child’s obsession with Queen Elsa. Okay, that’s a stretch, but adults just loved it, right? Full of creative, but, scientifically accurate information about the workings of the brain,…

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Expert Advice

Q: My kids, ages eight and ten, get a weekly allowance. My husband believes this money is theirs to do with what they want. I feel like parents should have the final say on how kids spend their money. Here’s…

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Mom and Dad’s Money

Wait, Mom did what with her money?” Questions like this are uttered amongst siblings many times over, and will continue to be asked with the aging demographics of our society. The problem is, too often, adult children find out about…

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“I Made a New Friend!”

  Each year, as September’s school days slip by, few phrases are more pleasing to this parent’s ear than, “I made a new friend!” Even as my oldest, Sam, starts college (which I’m handling pretty well, by the way), I…

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September Salutations…

After what I hope was a fantastic summer, the time has come to pack those swimsuits away and put the kiddos on the bus back to school. It’s a bittersweet time for kids and parents alike, and the feelings around…

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What About the Crate?

Whether you have a young puppy or a new rescue dog, following some basic steps for crate training will help ease the transition. There are many benefits of properly crate training a dog. Crating provides sanctuary, offering settle time for…

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What Works for Children?

The gap between what researchers have learned about which psychological therapies work and what happens when clients seek psychological services in the community has been a long-time concern. One recent estimate suggested that it takes more than fifteen years for…

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Binkies and Baby Teeth

Because I’m a mother and an orthodontist, other parents frequently ask me about pacifier use.  Should I give my child a pacifier? When should I stop my child’s pacifier use? Do you have suggestions for weaning my child off the pacifier?  Known…

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