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Our Last Camping Trip

Whether or not it was part of an effort to process the trauma, our youngest daughter, Lindsey, drew an absolutely stunning picture of the ostrich that attacked her mother. On our last family camping adventure, the highly anticipated day trip…

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10 Toxins to Keep Away from Pets

Cats and dogs are naturally curious creatures. This curiosity, however, can sometimes get them into trouble. According to the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center, nearly 180,000 cases of possible poison exposure were handled in 2013. Items that can be toxic…

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Summer Camp Safety

I remember my childhood summers as a time of nonstop action. Whether I was setting up a lemonade stand at our neighborhood roller skating rink (otherwise known as Mrs. Swanson’s driveway) or inviting my friends over to run in the…

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Stay Engaged for the Long Haul

There are 80 million reasons gerontologists do what they do. That's how many baby boomers began turning sixty-five in 2011. Gerontology is the study of aging that employs a holistic approach to evaluate the biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual impact…

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CJ’s Thumbs Up Foundation

“The day we found out Lauryn’s diagnosis, it was like having a nightmare.” That’s how Lauryn’s father, Richard Lewis, explains how he felt when his family heard that the swollen lymph node on his daughter’s neck was cancer. On that…

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The Bridge

A few weeks ago my father entrusted me with some old computer hard drives that had been damaged in a power surge. They contained his collection of family photos and videos, curated over many years. Fortunately, the data was intact,…

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Small Business Basics

Small businesses and home-based startups have this in common: the desire for success. Whether entrepreneurs seek big business profits or a little extra cash, certain basics apply, including business organization, documentation, and financial planning. Every business, even one organized and…

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Play Dates and Stranger Danger

Q: I admit it, playdates at my house drive me crazy. I try to leave the kids alone, but every time I listen in, an older neighbor kid is consistently making all the decisions and calling all the shots. How…

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Happy Mother’s Day!

No, that’s not a typo and no, I’m not running that late. That greeting is for all of those moms who missed celebrating the day with their children because they were so busy surfing their timelines, seeing what their “friends”…

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