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SCRAP RVA Creative Reuse

Teaching can be challenging, exciting, exhausting, and uplifting all at once. There’s a resource in the region designed to make teachers’ jobs and lives a little less stressful.  What teachers say about SCRAP RVA: “SCRAP RVA is a lifesaver! I…

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Margaret Thompson

Spring is in the Air!

Greetings, Friends! As you read through this issue, you can practically smell spring popping off of the pages, and I for one can’t wait for the warmer weather and longer days. You may notice that this is our first ever…

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Room Décor is a Big Hit with Kids!

Make this festive garland using items from your recycling bin to celebrate Earth Day! There are many ways to put this fun craft to work: birthday and graduation parties, team celebrations, classroom and home décor, and more. What you need:…

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Tax Assistance for Working Families

Taxes can be complicated, and it can be especially difficult to maximize your refund when completing your taxes on your own. For low- and middle-income households, these complexities are often a barrier to building financial stability.  There’s a program to…

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Lessons of Spring

Spring in Richmond! It’s rife with daffodils in gardens, baby bunnies in backyards, a dusting of yellow powder on everything, and hummingbirds helplessly trapped in the garage.  Okay, maybe that last one’s just at our house. But we all know…

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John Morgan

The One About Fishing and Cars

Careful! Cut away from yourself.”  My seven childhood trips to the ER make me stress this rule more than most. Levon ripped open the cardboard. He was ready to get started. The box was no bigger than a desk dictionary.…

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The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

A superbly crafted exploration of race, identity, and family. Identical twins Desiree and Stella Vignes and most of the Black folks who live in the Deep South town where the The Vanishing Half is first set, are so light-skinned they…

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