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Freewheeling Pride

We rode our bikes to the library that spring morning and a dad with his son took notice. “Wow! How long have you been riding, little lady?” he asked. The question was directed to my first-grader and I bit my…

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Kids In The Media Mix

For most of us, there’s no shortage of wonder as to how far (and how quickly) technology has advanced since our own childhoods. Today, there isn’t an element of a child or teen’s life that isn’t impacted by a computer.…

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Spring greetings, RFM readers!

With spring in full swing and summer breathing down our collective necks, many of us are likely trying to get those last minute projects finished up around the house before the kids are all ours – for the whole summer.…

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This Grand And Spinning Dream

We’ll fly above the clouds and across the starry sky once we’re snug inside our pint-sized pirate ship. But before we get to take our ride on Peter Pan’s Flight, we’re going to have to wait in line. Not to…

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Riding The Potty Train

Whether you have a tiny warrior or a little princess, potty training can be a challenge to a new mom. My experience was chaotic, to say the least. When we first started to potty train our son, Jace, I had…

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ART 180: Change Through Art

As soon as Todd Hale, a professional artist and ART 180 program assistant, started chatting with a shy seventh-grader named Stephon in the cafeteria of Binford Middle School in Richmond, he knew he’d met a fellow artist. “I was immediately…

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Your Child’s Future

When you have children, it’s like God flips a switch. You may go from living in the moment to wanting to make future plans – including financial plans for your children. Where do you start? With a college fund, or…

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Got Custody Questions?

At a coffee shop, I overheard a mom talking on her cell phone. She was lamenting her single-mom status and all the responsibilities she faced on a daily basis, which did sound more than a bit overwhelming. At one point,…

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Bringing Home Baby

Just as you and your partner are adjusting to the big changes coming your way with parenthood, your dog will also need to adjust. How you handle this new phase of your life will affect how your dog handles it.…

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