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Bob Barker Was Right

Remember to have your pets spayed or neutered. Bob Barker, world-famous game show host, closed each installment of “The Price Is Right” with this prompt, but the decision to follow his advice is not always that simple. The question of…

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Springing Forth!

Prior to having children, I never would have described myself as the outdoorsy type. I’m content indoors with air conditioning and comfortable furniture. Yet, I was blessed with two children who love the outdoors and ask to be outside –…

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Financial Risks

Risk is everywhere, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. With financial risks, some are obvious, others are hidden. The big question is, which financial risks should you avoid, insure, or assume? Inflation, interest rate, market volatility, and…

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Prevent Child Abuse

Q. Last week in the grocery store, I saw an adult completely lose her temper and scream and threaten a child. It made me think of other situations, even with my friends, when parents have crossed a line with their…

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Once More to Cotillion

How long has it been? Twenty years? Well, it’s great to see you again after all this time. And look, here’s a corner table that’s got our name on it. Yes, life is good, and the kids are growing up…

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Munch Madness

Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya Brown 16 oz sliced sausage in saucepan over medium heat. Add 2 stalks chopped celery, 1 chopped medium yellow onion, 1 chopped bell pepper and sauté until vegetables are tender, about 10 minutes. Stir in 1½…

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Expert Parenting Advice

Q: I have been divorced for several years and have two children, six and nine. They live with me during the week and with their father most weekends. I have been dating Chris for three months. We usually see each…

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Women’s Financial Fears

Many of the women we read about and admire are those who have conquered personal fears. By first facing, then boldly overcoming their fears, they were able to take their service, passion, and philanthropy to new heights. Apprehension continues to…

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There’s the Rub

Start your art with this photo-transferring strategy and go for a big finish by adding your own unique elements. What you need: • Acrylic gel medium (we use Liquitex gel medium in heavy gloss, but any clear acrylic medium works)…

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Council on International Educational Exchange

Students and CIEE host siblings enjoyed a holiday get-together, no doubt celebrating traditions from around the world. At right, Jean and Tom Anderson (front) orchestrated a family reunion of sorts with Ludvik, Simon, and Malte in Prague. ____________________ When Jean…

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