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Here’s to a hope-filled February!

The hour was drawing near. It was go-to-the-printer time, and there was a gaping hole where my publisher’s note belonged. Something usually comes to me, but this time, I was drawing a complete blank. In recent days, we’ve had a…

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The Cookie Monster Within

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the cookie aisle, I bring you research from the hallowed halls of Connecticut College that suggests Oreo cookies may be as addictive as cocaine. Shocking as this news may…

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Recipe for Romance

Choose a night this month, have the kids pack a picnic dinner to enjoy on the family room floor (baby carrots and chicken nuggets, anyone?) And the stage is set for a romantic dinner for two. While sharing the meal…

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The Inevitable

February is the month of romance – a time when we reflect on those who make our lives sweeter just by being there. Words that are seldom spoken may be written in cards or communicated through gifts. However, as a…

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See Pop Shop

    My sister married her high school sweetheart. My cousin found the love of his life in sixth-grade English class. Not so for me. By the time I met and married the man who would, as they say, complete…

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Yes You Can!

  Our homeschooling journey started when our son’s school suggested cognitive development testing for him. Rather than work with the school system to create an IEP or 504 plan, we chose to homeschool him so that he could receive year-round…

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Swing Wide the Door

You search my face for an answer, a reason, some meaning to what has happened, but I have no words to make things better, no way to make it right. I can only try to hide my sadness from both…

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How Not to Act

“But I only eat yellow cheese,” the little friend at the kitchen table told my 6-year-old daughter. Moments earlier, I had placed a slice of marbled cheddarella (that yummy combo of cheddar and mozzarella) along with four round crackers on…

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