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Ronald McDonald House Charities of Richmond

Join RMHC for a Virtual Family Sleepover During Valentine’s Weekend Pick a night during the weekend, February 11 through 13, to grab your pajamas and bring the family together for some good old-fashioned quality time. A brief pre-recorded program will…

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Ugh – Strep Throat Again?

In any pediatric practice, second only to, Does my child have an ear infection? Is this question from parents: Does my child have strep throat? Strep throat is caused by a bacterium called group A betahemolytic streptococcus or GAS. It…

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Understand, Train, Accept

As a mother, I can understand and sympathize with the frantic phone call from a client that begins, My dog nipped at my granddaughter! Or this concern: My dog got kicked out of daycare! Or this one: My dog can’t…

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In the Market?

About a decade ago, I bought my first home. It was a “sweat equity” fixer-upper, and I was a poor law student. The price was right, and I wasn’t deterred by the fact that the place came with no water…

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It’s Global Cool!

A traditional snow globe is a unique and colorful decorative accent for any room. You might also look into commemorating a special vacation or sports season by crafting a snow globe tribute. What you need: • Glass jar with a…

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Expert Advice

Q. When my dad was in hospice, my husband insisted that our kids (six and nine) not be part of that experience. I thought then, and still think, this was a mistake and that the kids should have been able…

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Financial Kick-Starts

Resolution season is in full bloom, but unfortunately very few end up being successful. So instead of making half-hearted resolutions for your family’s finances, why not start with a simple tip and see if it works? If successful, you’ll have…

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Divorce Happens

I love my ex, and not in a pining, unrequited love kind of way. I really do. My friends think I’m nuts. In a way, I love him more now than I did when we were married, because now we don’t have…

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Soup’s On!

One-Pot Harvest Soup In a large saucepan, melt 1 stick of unsalted butter. Add one cup chopped onion, 2 peeled garlic cloves, and 1 cup each: peeled, cored, and diced Gala apple; peeled and sliced parsnip; peeled and chopped butternut…

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A Shy Kid At Home?

Q. My Child is very shy around new people and people he doesn’t see very often. I’m worried about holiday parties, visiting Santa, and out-of-town guests. How can I help him overcome his shyness? A. Shyness is a normal experience…

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