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Easy Image Transfer

Use printed images and easy to work with oven-bake clay to create a unique piece of art for wearing, giving, or displaying. What you need: • Image on paper from a laser printer • Oven-bake clay (Sculpey) • Spoon •…

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From Basic to Brilliant

Looking to change up your regular recipe routine? The key to making quick, easy changes to an ordinary dish is having a well-stocked pantry with the right essentials. Make a list, and stock up the next time you’re at the…

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Van of My Dreams

Uh-oh, she’s making those sounds again – the grumbling, the whining, the full-throttle complaining. I’ve tried to ignore it, but it’s not fair to put her off any longer, especially when I consider how far we’ve come together. But there…

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Home-Alone Dogs

Imagine this scenario: A friend comes over to visit with her 3-year-old daughter. The child plays for a few minutes then gets up, says goodbye, and walks out the front door by herself. It is not hard to relate to…

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Separation Anxiety and Baby Games

Q: My daughter had a terrible time with separation anxiety last year. It seems like it took months for her to feel comfortable being left at her preschool. I cringe when i think about a repeat of all that crying…

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The Strategic Plan

A strategic plan is a compass for business. It gives direction, helps organizations make good decisions, and supports balance. Typically, it involves collaboration and helps employees confidently say yes or no to ideas and opportunities that arise. A strategic plan…

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Crafting a Capgrosso

The big-head, or capgrosso, is a traditional Spanish art form made of paper maché and donned for parades and celebrations.Use a similar technique to make a maraca or puppet. What you need: • Small pieces of flat cardboard • Small…

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For the Bullied and the Bullies

Q: My 8-year-old son was disciplined by his school last year for bullying other children. The new school year is upon us, and I’m worried about him continuing this behavior. What should I do? A: Talk with your son about…

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