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The Tax Man Cometh

April 15 will be here oh-too-soon, so following are some tips I've gathered through the years. Evaluate and update your deductions. With health insurance premiums soaring and incomes unchanging or decreasing, you may qualify for deductions in categories that previously…

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Strawberry Days Forever

Breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can incorporate those ruby red, delicious, and nutritious berries into any part of your meal. Strawberry Balsamic BBQ Sauce Heat 1 Tbsp olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add 3 Tbsp…

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Lawn Girls

The little girl on my front porch steps stood about a hair bow taller than the wrought iron rail. She circled both hands around her mouth, forming the smallest of megaphones. The roar of the motor drowned out her tiny…

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To Be or Not 2b

April! What other month can inspire a spat that covers half a millennium? Geoffrey Chaucer kicked things off when he rhapsodized about April showers being a "sweet liquor." (Okay, his actual words were "swich licour" but when I typed that…

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Water Safety

Warmer weather has us looking forward to times at the pool, lake, or beach for fun. Unfortunately, these bodies of water can be places of extreme danger, especially for young children and non-swimmers. Drowning is the number one cause of…

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Help Prevent Child Abuse

Q: My son is marrying a young woman who grew up in an abusive home. I know she hasn't sought professional therapy to deal with these issues, but her abuser is no longer in her life. She is wonderful in…

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Cats Are Sneaky!

They hide and wait until you’re about to doze off and then pounce on your feet, snug under a blanket. They stalk the rubber band that just fell to the floor, or the dust bunny that's hardly visible under the…

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Financing College

There's no magic formula to secure funds for your children's college education, so be proactive, start early, and explore all the opportunities. Typical funding options are loans, savings plans, and scholarships. Countless loans are available, including both federal and private…

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Bored Dog?

If your dog stares at you incessantly, barks at you, or paws and nudges you, he is demanding attention. But more notably, your dog may be bored. The importance of mental stimulation is significant and cannot be understated. Interaction with…

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Bullying Basics

When I was in eighth grade, I missed two weeks of school to go to Europe with my parents, which was great. When I returned, however, the leader in my group of gal pals had decided she didn't want me…

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