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Drive Time

It happened on the way to Water Country. My hands were clammy on the steering wheel. I could feel my heart thumping in my ears. A set of deep-breathing exercises did nothing to calm my anxiety as I signaled to…

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Kids and Screen Time

Q: We have two children, a 9-year-old boy and a 14-year old girl. It's becoming harder to monitor what movies they watch and video games they play as they start to spend more time with friends. We are not comfortable…

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Fairy Godmother Project

Shannon and Doug Hubbel of Richmond found out a little over two years ago that their daughter Emily had a tumor on her adrenal gland. Soon after that, Emily was diagnosed with a type of cancer called neuroblastoma. Since that…

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As parents, we are sometimes frustrated with the behavior of our children, and sometimes exasperated by our dogs. However, when the interaction between them is the issue, it becomes all the more difficult to correct. Often we need to change…

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Shhhh! Shortcuts!

February is all about love - love for a spouse, partner, child, or friend. Your love for your sweatpants. Your love for a quiet moment (yes, even if it's in the bathroom). Or your love for quick-cook and just-about-ready-to-serve foods.…

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Prevent Childhood Obesity

Have you weighed your child lately? Last year, when Newsweek named Richmond the second fattest city in America, it was shocking to associate our beloved River City with a serious health epidemic. Yet obesity is increasing at an alarming rate…

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Sick Call

  It's six-thirty in the morning. You go into your child's room to wake her up for school, and you find a sniffling, coughing little one asking to stay home. Of course you have a huge presentation at work that…

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Shiny & Bright!

Jewelry has long been a popular artistic form of cultural expression. In ancient Greece, many designs were inspired by nature, and just as it is today, jewelry was crafted using precious metals and semi-precious stones and glass beads. Starting with…

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King of the Mountain

Here on the icy summit, I don't mind telling you what's flashing through my mind: Do my legs still have it in them? After all, it's been almost 20 years since I last put on skis, and now I've gone…

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