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Too Much Texting?

With so many teens and younger kids receiving tech gadgets such as smartphones for the holidays, it’s important to set up rules for usage. According to a recent report by Pew Internet and American Life Project, the volume of texting…

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Expert Advice

Q. I just found out that one of my 16-year-old son’s close friends is in rehab – or has started AA or something similar. I don’t have all the details, but I’m worried. If his friend is in this deep,…

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Women’s Health

While you may consider bladder health an embarrassing subject to breach with close friends, let alone your health care provider, remember that it's something that physicians talk about daily. To us, it's science and it can be a telling sign…

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At the Peak of His Powers

Left, right, left, right - okay, now I'm in the groove. Just keep the stride going for ten more minutes, and the treadmill odometer will hit that magic three-mile mark. Then tomorrow I'll see if I can push it a…

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October Has Arrived in Richmond

The cooler and shorter days mean October has arrived in Richmond! And if that doesn’t convince you, that cute little cheetah on our cover will! Yes, it’s time to carve the pumpkins, stock up on candy, and make that all-important…

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Comfort Zone Camp

Grief is one of the most complex emotions to process. And almost all of us, no matter our age, will be exposed to it. At 15, Taylor Smith’s life was dramatically changed when his mother died of breast cancer. Before…

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Advice for Parents

Q: Our first son was talking up a storm by age two, but his little brother doesn't seem to be picking it up as well. He follows directions, so we know he hears just fine. A friend has suggested looking…

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If Your Kid’s Arrested

I've been arrested. Once, when I was fourteen years old. That's right. Your RFM legal writer has a criminal record. Surprised? Probably not. Many law-abiding, hard-working parents have had a brief run-in with law enforcement, most likely during those rebellious…

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When I was a kid, Halloween was one day. It was a glorious day to be sure. But it was one day - in the life of a busy, happy family with six children and two working parents. When Halloween…

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Arts and Eats

Join the art movement characterized by spontaneity and the expression of emotion in painting. Be inspired by abstract expressionist and native Virginian Judith Godwin and bring this dramatic art form to your family table. What You Need: Any color poster…

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