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Rooted in Tradition

It was eighteen years ago in early autumn when my husband and I took our dog, Rosco, and our two-day-old marriage camping. Over the years, I've learned that most couples cannot begin to fathom why we would have thought a…

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Early Parenting Education

My daughter Zora just celebrated her first birthday. Or, more accurately, the family celebrated it for her. At her age, life's a party. Every day brims with play and doting attention. If only the good times could roll uninterrupted from…

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Out of the Box

Breakfast for Lunch Spread peanut butter or SunButter on multi-grain waffles. Or make an easy fruit compote for a dip: Combine 1 cup of blueberries/blackberries/cherries in a small sauce pan with 1/3 cup orange juice, 1 cinnamon stick, and ½…

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Teens and Money

Advising a teenager is an art that few have mastered - especially when it comes to money management. During our children's teen years, we basically are trying to keep the bumpers on, letting them have minor crashes while we help…

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Fly Boys

This summer my family took a cross-country trip. No, not in a car, silly. We Moores develop homicidal tendencies when we spend too much time (that is, anything longer than 30 minutes) in the car together, which means we are…

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Mosaic Art: Colorful, Seasonal Coasters

Use color and design to hallmark the seasons when you create a set of mosaic-style coasters. At vMFA, look for timeless inspiration in late-second or early-third-century fl ooring that once was part of a hallway in a Roman home. What…

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Value the Vote

In a former life, long before kids and even before marriage, my husband and I worked as "paid political operatives." Working on political campaigns was our profession. We were inspired by candidates we believed in, who would go to Richmond…

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Food Allergy Struggles?

  Present in 6 to 8 percent of one-year-olds, with reported rates as high as 10 percent, food allergy is a problem that affects many families. Although the rate of food allergy falls progressively until late childhood, it then stabilizes…

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Home Alone – Kids and Parents

Parental Guidance Q: What are some indicators that a child is old enough to get off the bus and stay at home by himself after school until i get home from work around dinner time? My son is 10 and…

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Christian Youth Theater

Developing Character through Theater Arts When the curtain goes up and the lights go on at a Christian Youth Theater production, audiences receive a quality Broadway-style treat. But it’s not just the close to a hundred smiling kids or the…

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