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Attention Deficit and Thumb Sucking

Q: We have gotten a lot of input through the years about our 11-year-old son’s behavior from his teachers and this year’s teacher has commented as well. We’ve heard everything: focus issues, high-energy, etc. I want to know if he…

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March of Dimes

What if the hardest day of your life was also the very first? That’s just how it is for one in every eight babies who are born too soon. Every week in Virginia, over two hundred babies are born pre-term…

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8 Ways to Keep it Healthy

Sugar is a double-edged sword of childhood. It brings so much pleasure to our little ones. Their sweet, angelic faces light up at the prospect of an ice cream cone or cupcake, and then the devil inside them emerges as…

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Lesson Number One

“You can do one all by yourself, Mommy.” It was our first trip to All Fired Up, the paint-your-own ceramic shop in Carytown. Mistake number one was assuming I could get away with purchasing a single item to paint that…

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September 2011 Publisher's Page

Yes, Coco, my 5 year-old’s beloved bear and best buddy, is getting old. If one year equals seven for a dog, I think a much-loved stuffed animal’s one year must equal about twenty. Truth be told, I wasn’t crazy about…

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Dad Checks Out

Once upon a time, back-to-school was strictly interpreted to refer to school-aged children. When children went back to school, parents went straight to happy hour. But, in yet another sign that our country is declining into a sad twilight of…

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Family Leave

In the last few weeks, five of my mom friends have welcomed new babies into their families, and two more are expecting this fall. Visiting them reminds me of how precious newborns are – and just how much time they…

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Whale-Done Art

What you need: • Two large pieces of cotton or felt fabric • Scissors • A pencil or pen • Fabric glue, needle and thread, stapler, or low-temp hot glue gun. (There are several ways to connect the two pieces of fabric…

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5 Quick Fixes

1. Chicken Piccata Cook one package of wide egg noodles according to directions. Lightly coat 1 lb thinly sliced chicken breast with bread crumbs and cook in 1 tbsp olive oil in large skillet over medium-high heat until golden brown,…

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Safe Sleep for Baby

We’ve all heard Mother Goose’s lullaby “Rock-a-bye Baby.” While even new parents agree that a treetop is not the place for an infant, can they rest knowing their baby is safe in his crib? Nearly ten years ago, the American…

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