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Potty Training and Kids Home Alone

Q: My family is encouraging me to potty train my 2-yearold daughter this summer. I don’t know where to begin – help! A: Few parenting milestones can be as daunting as potty training. Everyone seems to have the best method…

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Find Help through United Way’s 2-1-1

Durward Massenburg didn’t know where to turn when his granddaughter, Brianna, needed help and support for daily life. Brianna, who turns seven this month, lives with her extended family and has 12 life-altering illnesses that require special care and keep…

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8 Ways to Get Kids Reading

When I was a girl, I read until my eyes hurt. I was an undisputed bookworm, skipping playground activities to read my way through recess. I’m still that girl. I lose track of time; the laundry sits; dinner is late;…

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Schooled in Shopping

I have friends who can while away hours at a mall and come home perfectly content, having bought nothing other than lunch. These people have kids and jobs and grimy bathrooms, just like me. They are shoppers; I am not.…

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July 2011 Publisher’s Page

It’s officially the dog days of summer, whatever that means. It’s lemonade drinkin’, divin’ in the pool HOT! That’s why July is a great time to kick back and enjoy our latest installment of RFM, filled with everything from Disney…

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Ode to Boy

The jutting chin. The inscrutable eyes. The shock of unkempt hair. It’s all there in the alabaster bust of Ludwig von Beethoven sitting just outside the door to the violin shop. We’d caught his brooding gaze many times before as…

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Teens at Work

When my husband was seventeen, he spent a summer working construction with a bunch of men twice his age. Making much more than minimum wage, he kept his mouth shut when he was charged with tasks far beyond his strength…

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Heads First

For children of all ages, staying active is part of a healthy lifestyle while developing social, emotional, and physical skills, but there are risks. Each year, about 135,000 children ages 5 to 18 are seen in emergency rooms for sports…

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Ice Cream Night!

1. Chocolate Chip Pinwheels Bake easy chocolate chip cookies according to package directions and let cool completely. You may want to place in the freezer for 20 minutes. Arrange 10 cookies, top side down, on tray. Scoop about 1/3 cup…

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