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Daddy’s Boy

The little figure on the conference room table squirmed. His tiny nose snuffled at the stale office building air, or perhaps it was the burnt coffee wafting from the break room. Huge malted-milk-ball eyes darted about the room, wide open…

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May 2011 Publisher's Page

Happy Mother's Day, RFM Moms! We strive to have something for you in every issue of Richmond Family Magazine, no matter what stage of the mom game you’re in. In this issue alone, we have feature stories on Gardasil for…

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Farewell to the Fourthies

The call comes just as I am trying to pry open her stuck bedroom window. It’s almost time for dance class, and she’s forgotten her jazz pants. They’re in the bottom drawer of her dresser, she says. And can I…

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Collaborative Divorce

You’ve explored all the options, even tried couples and family counseling, but despite your best efforts, you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage. How can you protect your children throughout this process? How is custody going to…

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Mom’s Night Off

1. Asian Marinated Flank Steak  Mix ½ cup soy sauce, ¼ cup sesame seed oil, 2 cloves of minced gar lic, 1 tsp sesame seeds, ¼ tsp dry mustard, ¼ tsp ground ginger, 2 tsp balsamic vinegar, 2 tbsp sugar…

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The Overhead Athlete

Waiting for my daughter’s lacrosse practice to finish, I observed a father and son pitching a baseball. As a physical therapist with a keen interest in human biomechanics, I was interested in the boy’s throwing technique. The young boy was…

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Why Shop the Local Farmer’s Markets?

  If you grew up in these parts, chances are you come from farming roots. Many of us Richmonders can remember our grandparents (or even greatgrandparents) growing vegetables and serving them at family dinners Personally speaking, a shiny, ripe, red,…

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