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Grandma Time

  Grandma had been in the house for less than twenty-four hours. I had just finished explaining to a grumpy Robin that while ordinarily she and her sisters were pretty high on my list, this week, things were going to be…

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Wouldn’t You Like to Know

Every once in a while, we’ll find a local Richmonder we’d all like to know a bit more about. Same questions each time, from the Prying Publisher, and the answers are just for you. This month, we caught up with…

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The Long Run

Wisdom comes in the shape of my son’s size eleven running shoe. Several weeks ago I had foolishly challenged him to a hundred-yard dash. Now, as he runs easily away from me, his foot strikes tap out a message with…

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Gifts that Rock!

Whether you start with a stone and finish with a paperweight, or go a more practical direction and work with soap, you’re sure to have a unique felted treasure perfect for giving.   What you need: • Bar of soap…

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Boing! Splash!

We've all seen it on America’s Funniest Home Videos. A child jumping on a diving board accidentally lands a belly flop in the family pool. A toddler, a teen, or, heck, even a guy who qualifies for AARP jumps exuberantly…

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5 Egg Favorites

1. Egg Salad Club on Pumpernickel  Peel and chop 6 hard boiled eggs and add ¼ cup mayo. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Toast 8 slices of pumpernickel bread. Top four slices with lettuce, tomato, egg salad, and…

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Spring is here! And everyone should be able to enjoy the beautiful weather. Unfortunately, many people have some of their worst allergy symptoms in the spring. Runny nose, congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, and wheezing – just to name a few…

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When Child Abuse is Suspected

Q: I have real concerns about my daughter’s friend. She has slept over a number of times and each time, there are new bruises in different spots.She hasn’t shared anything with me or my daughter, but we’re both anxious about…

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Pedal Power

Two years ago, Ethan Seltzer was searching for a way to harness a truly amazing force: human energy. Combining a passion for green living with his love of family cycling, he founded Pedal Power. “As consumers, we need to be…

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4 Ways to Save for Higher Ed

When preparing to write this article, an old joke came to mind that goes something like this: Question: Why did God make teenagers? Answer: So you don’t miss them when they go to college. Ten years ago, when both of…

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