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When Adults Read, Children Succeed

Joanie Bache says nearly half of the city of Richmond’s elementary school summer students reported having no books at home last year “What happens when a kindergartener can’t speak in complete sentences, identify colors, or show the self-control needed to…

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I come from quiet stock. Subsequently, my children are, well, quiet kids. They raise the occasional ruckus, but like their mom before them they are encouraged to raise it outside - on the field of play, for example. They don’t…

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Parents First

A few years back, we were so completely consumed with life – attending back-to-school nights, planning Halloween costumes, working on a parenting magazine, managing a myriad of important fall commitments – that we just forgot about our wedding anniversary. It…

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October 2010 Publisher's Page

I am so excited that it’s October. There are tons of fun fall things to do all month long – AND it’s Richmond Family Magazine’s anniversary! You know, even though we’ve been doing this for a while now, I still…

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Back of the Class

Author’s note: In order to preserve the dignity of this fine family magazine, underlined words in this column are to be pronounced backwards. Thank you. If you have a child in elementary school, you probably have opportunities to read to…

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5 Quick-Fire Meals

1. Tilapia Piccata Season 4 tilapia fillets with salt and pepper. Dredge in flour. Swirl olive oil in large pan and heat over medium high. Add fish to pan and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each side or…

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Time-outs and Tween Moods

Q: I’ve seen a friend try to give time-outs to her 2-yearold. She’s holding the child in a chair and telling him it’s a time-out. I thought the idea was to take attention away. Is he too young? Is this…

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Breastfeeding Benefits

  One of the earliest decisions as a new parent will be what to feed your newborn. Will your baby be breast- or bottle-fed? Both the Office of the Surgeon General and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend exclusive breastfeeding…

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Central Virginia Food Bank

When Megan’s parents and the staff at her elementary school met to discuss her school performance, there was an unexpected revelation: The family was struggling to provide food and other basics for their daughter. Megan’s mom talked to the assistant…

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Duct Tape Wallet

What you need: Non-porous work surface Ruler Duct tape (two colors) Scissors What you do: 1. Working on a non-porous surface (glass, marble, hard plastic), begin layering duct tape sticky side down in 8½ inch long strips to create a…

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