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Keeping Kids Safe at Home

One-third of households with children have a gun in the home, many of which are not stored safely. The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that approximately 4.6 million children in the United States are living with unlocked, loaded firearms –…

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Money-Wise Ages and Stages

It’s never too early to start teaching children how to manage money, especially since the window for establishing good habits doesn’t stay open forever. University of Cambridge research suggests spending and saving habits are formed in early childhood and set…

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Who Benefits from the Child Tax Credit?

Before the pandemic, 13 percent of children in Virginia lived in families earning below the poverty level (just under $26,000 for a family of four), and one in three children were economically disadvantaged. With the significant disruption caused by the…

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Why We All Need Halloween

“Butterfingers are my life.” Our middle daughter, the child who teachers often described as an old soul in elementary school and who in young adulthood still has a somewhat tenuous relationship with smiling, made this statement one Halloween. My husband…

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John Morgan

The Meanest Teacher in Town

Before sixth grade even started, the rumors swirled. Everyone said Mrs. Lamb was tough, mean, and scary. Even guys from other schools knew her students were prisoners. But there was no bread and water. Instead, she was all about journal…

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All About Noisy Breathing

Breathing is the most essential element of life, so it makes sense that parents are concerned when their baby's breathing patterns seem out of the ordinary. Many breathing sounds or noises are variations of normal infant respirations, but some may…

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Separate and Unequal Education

The Virginia Constitution of 1869 established a statewide system of free public schools. The schools evolved in the 1900s with both Jim Crow restrictions and Progressive Era reforms. Even progressive movements, though, were rife with racism, and Black activists rarely had a seat at the table. Reforms were directed to segregated white schools first. Beginning in…

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