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Chesterfield Food Bank

In the midst of the pandemic, Jennifer found herself uncertain about where her family’s next meal would come from. After months in the hospital following heart surgery, she had lost her income, apartment, and personal belongings. Jennifer’s sister took her…

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Margaret Thompson

Happy 2021, Friends!

We made it through 2020, a year that was certainly nothing like we envisioned this time last year. Along the way, we found out that we’re more resilient than we could have ever imagined, more resourceful than we thought possible,…

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Calming Vaccination Anxiety

Help! My 5-year-old has a huge fear of doctors, nurses, and even the pediatrician’s office. He has an older sister who has been trying to help him be brave about getting shots, but all this a done is cause more…

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6 Ways to Winter at Home

I think it’s safe to start by stating the one big wish every single one of us had on January 1 was for COVID-19 to go away.  Alas, wishes won’t make it happen, and, once again, we find ourselves having…

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Reinforcing the Safety Net

It was mid-March 2020 when Governor Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency to reduce the spread of COVID-19. He announced, “Our top priority is to make sure Virginians stay safe and healthy, and that our response to this situation…

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Don’t Touch the Thermostat

So you say you’re feeling just a slight bit chilly. Well, I get it. I really do. And you’re right, it is that time of year, and the weatherman says we’re finally in store for that long-overdue cold snap. So…

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Preventing Veteran Suicides

Now more than ever, it is critical to check in with your loved ones, friends, and family – especially those who are veterans. This year, it may feel like you are riding a roller coaster with unexpected twists and turns…

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